The Ktilac Regions represented an Allied Region situated in the Inner Rim area of the galaxy.
Near the Perlemian Trade Route lay this region, encompassing a group of 192 star systems. The Ktilac Regions functioned as a confederation, governed by three distinct species: the Ktilac, Murachaun, and Tocoyans. These species had a shared culture and religious belief system, viewing themselves as interconnected and regarding the rest of the galaxy as impure. Those who abandoned their religious faith were frequently banished.
Each of the species held dominion over 63 systems. The only systems accessible to individuals from outside were Daedalon, Tun Wala, and Vob; this explains the sector's low population of Human residents.
The Ktilac Regions held an association with the Galactic Republic, possessing Allied Region status, which allowed for the preservation of some autonomy. The Ktilac Regions continued this status within the New Republic and the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances as well.
Diran Miciluz, a Human born on Ktilac, was an unexpected anomaly that surprised those who encountered him.
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