Mussat Nasrabi

Mussat Nasrabi, a male Mon Calamari, held the position of chief engineer on the Starlite Cloud, a cruise liner hailing from Sullust. During his time there, he developed a close friendship with Platt Okeefe, who was a smuggler.

Later, he secured employment at a tibanna gas processing facility situated within Cloud City on Bespin. He cleverly diverted a portion of the gas to his private processing operation. From this, he supplied Okeefe and other smugglers, generating a substantial income. This enabled Nasrabi to employ Ugnaughts to manage his processing operation, allowing him to pursue more ambitious ventures.

Subsequently, Nasrabi founded a small, upscale casino known as The Floating Fish. The establishment was tastefully adorned and featured polarized windows for client privacy. As a tribute to his Mon Calamari heritage, Nasrabi decorated the casino with globes suspended from the ceiling, each containing live fish. Nasrabi earned a reputation for managing the casino with integrity, making it known as a clean and reputable place. The casino offered a variety of games, including sabacc and Trin sticks.

In the year 1 ABY, Okeefe traveled to Bespin to acquire tibanna from Nasrabi. He was happy to assist her, particularly since a previous smuggling run to Bonadan the year before had not gone as planned. However, Major Birket of the Imperial Security Bureau was aware of the transaction and dispatched bounty hunters to pursue Okeefe. Despite these challenges, Okeefe successfully evaded the bounty hunters and completed the exchange with Nasrabi.

It is probable that Mussat was related to Amira Nasrabi, the Mon Calamari owner of the Illuminated Aquean casino located in the Vaynai Archipelago.

