Following the Second Death Star's destruction, Morna Kee remained a devoted officer and human pilot within the ranks of the Galactic Empire, one of a dwindling number. Serving as the pilot for Admiral Rae Sloane, they maintained a positive working relationship. She was present on Akiva when the Imperial Future Council convened to decide the Empire's destiny. As the meeting failed to produce a resolution and a revolt against the Imperial occupation erupted on Akiva, she piloted the Golden Harp, a sizable yacht, in an attempt to escape. Though the ship sustained significant damage from ground fire, she successfully navigated through the Rebellion on Akiva and executed a crash landing on the Vigilance. Subsequently, Morna and Sloane transferred to a Lambda-class T-4a shuttle and fled to the Vanquish, ultimately escaping into hyperspace. Notably, she once commanded a VT-49 Decimator.

During the Age of the Empire, Morna Kee served as a pilot in the Imperial Military. Her service record includes a period where she held the distinguished position of commander of a VT-49 Decimator. While piloting this vessel, she faced an attack from a pair of T-65 X-wing starfighters. Following the events of the Battle of Endor, Morna accompanied her commanding officer, Admiral Rae Sloane, along with aide Adea Rite and several stormtroopers, to an Imperial emergency summit held on the Outer Rim planet of Akiva. The purpose of this gathering was to discuss the future path of the Galactic Empire. They were also escorting Wedge Antilles, a captured starfighter pilot from the New Republic, who had been taken as a prisoner during a recon mission over Akiva. As they approached Myrra, the capital city, Sloane utilized the weapon systems of their Lambda-class shuttle's to eliminate a Zabrak bounty hunter who had been observing the Imperial ships from a nearby communications tower. This bounty hunter was later identified as Jas Emari, who subsequently joined a rebel cell led by Norra Wexley, the New Republic pilot.
During the Imperial Future Council's deliberations, Sloane instructed Adea to inform Morna that the shuttle should be prepared for immediate departure after dinner, with the intention of transporting additional delegates to the meeting. However, before Adea could suggest that Morna input hyperspace coordinates into the shuttle's computer, they received reports of a New Republic freighter entering Akiva's atmosphere. Although the freighter was shot down, one New Republic Special Forces operative, Jom Barell, successfully landed on Akiva.
After Norra disrupted the Imperial summit by instigating a rebellion on Akiva and destroying multiple Imperial shuttles, Morna sustained injuries when a TIE fighter, commandeered by Norra, crashed into the Satrap's Palace. Following medical treatment for her wounds, Morna followed Sloane's directives and seized control of the luxury yacht Golden Harp, owned by Imperial financier Arsin Crassus. Overpowering Crassus' pilot, who attempted to resist, she confined him to one of the yacht's cabins. Subsequently, she and Admiral Sloane piloted the shuttle, carrying passengers including Adea, Crassus, Grand Moff Valco Pandion, General Jylia Shale, Imperial Adviser Yupe Tashu, several stormtroopers, and Emperor's Royal Guards. They were also transporting rebel prisoners Norra, Jas Emari, and Sinjir Rath Velus, a former Imperial loyalty officer. Temmin Wexley, Norra's teenage son, managed to infiltrate the ship, freeing his mother and her rebel allies.
En route to Sloane's Imperial Star Destroyer, the Vigilance, the Golden Harp was struck by a turbolaser, which had been hijacked by Jom. With considerable effort, Morna and Sloane managed to land the Golden Harp inside the Vigilance's hangar. The crash landing resulted in the deaths of Crassus and several Imperial passengers. However, Norra and her rebel team survived and captured Adea, General Shale, and Tashu. Morna and Norra then escaped aboard another Imperial shuttle as the Vigilance came under attack from a New Republic fleet.
During their flight to the Star Destroyer Vanquish, Morna and Sloane were confronted by Grand Moff Pandion, who had secretly boarded their ship. He demanded that Admiral Sloane transport him to the Super Star Destroyer Ravager so that he could assume control of the Empire's last Super Star Destroyer. Sloane refused his demand, revealing her allegiance to Fleet Admiral Gallius Rax.
When Morna informed them that they were being pursued by a lone TIE fighter and New Republic ships, Sloane instructed Pandion to fasten his seatbelt. Upon his refusal and attempted hijacking of the ship, Sloane seized the flight stick from Morna and initiated a rapid spin. This caused Pandion to lose his balance. While Morna stabilized the shuttle, Sloane shot Pandion with her blaster and ejected him from the cockpit. Under Sloane's command, she detached the cockpit from the shuttle while Rae set the shuttle's hyperdrive matrix to self-destruct. Pandion perished in the resulting explosion, while Norra, piloting the TIE fighter, sustained injuries. Meanwhile, Morna and Sloane proceeded to the Vanquish and returned to the Ravager in the Vulpinus Nebula.
Morna Kee was a dedicated and capable Imperial pilot who served Admiral Rae Sloane in the aftermath of the Battle of Endor. Her piloting skills extended to various ships, including the Lambda-class shuttle and the yacht Golden Harp. Morna possessed a strong understanding of Imperial starship operating systems. She was also proficient in hand-to-hand combat, utilizing these skills to subdue Arsin Crassus' pilot in order to seize control of his yacht.
Morna Kee's first appearance was in Chuck Wendig's 2015 novel Aftermath, which is the opening book in The Aftermath Trilogy and a component of the Journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens multimedia project.