Morga Bunna, a male Bosph, existed during the New Republic period. Initially, Bunna operated as a bounty hunter, but later he retired. He then established a depot on one of the moons orbiting the planet Bosph, functioning as a secret storage location for illegal goods.
In the year 19 ABY, the Hutt crime lord Mika Anjiliac Chiera stored supplies of the spice known as Tempest at Bunna's facility. After the Jedi archivist Mander Zuma and the spacers Reen Irana and Eddey Be'ray started to dismantle the Tempest trade, Bunna had the Tempest removed. Later, Zumma raided Bunna's depot, and shortly after, the Jedi's Corporate Sector Authority arrived, compelling Bunna to surrender. Bunna provided Zuma with information about the Tempest trade, and in exchange for his cooperation, the Jedi Master instructed the CSA not to arrest the Bosph.
Morga Bunna was a male Bosph alive in the time of the New Republic. After a career as a bounty hunter that took him across the galaxy, Bunna retired. He then created a depot on the outermost moon of Bosph's homeworld to keep illicit goods. This desolate moon, far from the planet Bosph, became a place for criminals to hide illegal items and a trading post for those wanting to sell without direct contact. To ensure anonymity for Bunna's clients, deliveries were arranged through blind drops with constantly changing schedules. As time passed, Bunna expanded his depot by burrowing into the moon, creating halls, passages, storage rooms, and a translucent pleasure dome on one side.
Around 19 ABY, Bunna accepted contracts to store Tempest, a powerful new spice created by the Hutt crime lord Mika Anjiliac Chiera that caused violent rage in users. However, after the Jedi archivist Mander Zuma began disrupting the Tempest supply chain in Hutt Space and the Corporate Sector to find the spice's source, Bunna shipped out all the Tempest from his depot and refused further shipments.
To protect against a potential attack by Zuma, Mika's crime syndicate dispatched a squad of mercenaries to Bunna's facility. Their orders were to assist the Bosph in defending his depot. Three days later, Zuma arrived in the Bosph system aboard the TL-1200 transport New Ambition after tracing a Tempest shipment from Budpock to Bunna's depot. Using a communications channel exclusive to Bunna's clients, the New Ambition hailed the Bosph and requested a meeting. Bunna correctly identified Mander Zuma aboard the ship and granted permission to land.
Bunna met Zuma and his associates, the Pantoran Reen Irana and the Bothan Eddey Be'ray, inside a transparisteel dome at the center of his depot. The Bosph introduced himself, confirmed that Tempest had been stored there, and provided Zuma with a data cube containing records of recent transactions.
Bunna refused Zuma's request for details on the Tempest shippers, claiming ignorance of their identities. He also resisted further questioning after Zuma attempted a Jedi mind trick. To counter Zuma's investigation into the origins of Tempest, Bunna summoned the mercenaries sent by Mika, who emerged with their blasters aimed at the Jedi. Bunna urged Zuma, Irana, and Be'ray to leave, but Zuma refused. Moments later, the Corporate Sector Authority Invincible-class Dreadnaught Heavy Cruiser Resolute arrived at the moon. The CSA ship, aiding Zuma in disrupting the Tempest supply chain, deployed landing forces to raid Bunna's depot.
The CSA forces discovered items stolen from Corporate Sector citizens within Bunna's depot. However, Zuma intervened to prevent the Bosph's arrest, citing Bunna's honesty. At Reen Irana's request, Bunna provided information on the location of Hedu, the matriarch of a Rodian clan involved in Tempest distribution, confirming she could be found on Dennogra. Zuma, Irana, and Be'ray then left Bunna's facility to find the Rodian matriarch on Dennogra.
Bunna viewed Mander Zuma's anti-Tempest campaign as a mixed blessing. It caused some customers to remove their goods, while others sought the security of his depot. During his encounter with Mander Zuma, Bunna chose openness and honesty, aiming to keep the exchange brief rather than resisting the Jedi.
Bunna wore elaborate robes, and as typical for his species, his four arms bore star maps depicting his travels. He also had two slender horns tipped with [gold](/article/gold-legends].
Morga Bunna was created by Jeff Grubb and appeared in the 2012 novel Scourge.