Mission to Muunilinst

The Mission to Muunilinst involved the recovery of financial resources belonging to the Alliance which were located on Muunilinst, after the catastrophic Destruction of Alderaan.

Initial Events

Following the obliteration of Alderaan, a significant portion of the Rebellion's financial holdings were lost. Fortunately, a segment of their assets was secured within a bank on the world of Muunilinst. General Jan Dodonna tasked Leia Organa with the responsibility of obtaining the datacard that held the necessary financial access codes. Accompanied by Luke Skywalker and the droid duo, R2-D2 and C-3PO, their objective was to establish contact with Mak Luunim and regain control of the funds. Han Solo, along with his Wookiee companion Chewbacca, volunteered to provide transportation to Muunilinst for the group.

The Undertaking

The Millennium Falcon executed the jump from Yavin Prime to the Muunilinst system, only to be immediately engaged in combat upon reversion. Due to a malfunction in its offensive systems, the Falcon found itself vulnerable to its attacker, a lone TIE Fighter. A Preybird-class starfighter intervened, providing assistance to the Falcon by destroying the Imperial fighter. During the conflict, the Preybird sustained damage, necessitating an emergency landing on one of Muunilinst's moons. Motivated by a sense of duty to assist their rescuer, the crew of the Millennium Falcon followed the downed fighter. They tracked a trail of blood leading to a cave, where they encountered a severely injured individual who identified himself as Tobin Elad. While rendering aid to the man, the cave's inhabitant returned. The reek sensed the presence of intruders and launched an immediate attack. In a rash act involving blaster fire, Han Solo inadvertently caused the collapse of the underground chamber's entrance while eliminating the creature. Recognizing the urgency of Elad's situation, Luke utilized his lightsaber to create an opening in the debris, freeing the group.

A Muun.

After tending to the injured man's wounds and restoring his health, the crew assessed that he could be a valuable asset to their mission, so they initiated a planetfall on Muunilinst to proceed with their objective. Upon visiting Mak Luunim's apartment, the group was informed by Luunim's assistant that his employer had recently been executed. Subsequently, a contingent of stormtroopers appeared and engaged the rebels in combat. Fighting their way out, the group escaped to the outskirts of Pilaan. Seeking information to aid in the completion of their mission, they entered a cantina located on the city's periphery.

Inside the cantina, they learned that Luunim was in debt to numerous individuals, notably a respected Muun named Nal Kenuun. Upon discovering that Keenum had visited Mak Luumin's residence, they surmised that he possessed the datacard. The rebels needed to establish contact with Nal Keenuun. After departing the cantina, the crew encountered a Dug who introduced himself as Grunta. He claimed to have overheard their search for Keenum and offered to guide them to him. En route, he and his three accomplices ambushed Leia and her companions, intending to acquire some credits through force! A melee ensued, resulting in Grunta's death and the retreat of the remaining three Dugs. At that moment, a squad of stormtroopers arrived, employing poison darts, to apprehend the rebels.

The group awoke to find themselves prisoners of Nal Keenum, the Muun they had been seeking. They discovered that Keenum possessed the datacard they desired. Unfortunately, the Dug they had eliminated was an employee of Keenum's and was the favorite to win the upcoming Podrace in two days. To reclaim their property, the rebels were required to replace the deceased pilot and secure victory in the race to recover the missing datacard. Uncertain of what to do, Luke impulsively volunteered to take the Dug's place.

The Podrace

The day before the podrace, Luke Skywalker was granted permission to conduct a practice run in the pod previously occupied by Grunta, a Plug-2 Behemoth manufactured by Collor Pondrat. Regrettably, due to a faulty current filter, one of the pod's engines overheated and flamed-out, causing it to spin uncontrollably. Luke was forced to eject, allowing the pod to crash and rendering it unusable for the race. The young pilot returned to his tent to treat his injuries and study maps of the race circuit, while Leia and Elad appealed to Kenuun to provide another of his numerous podracers for Luke to practice with. They managed to obtain a Keizar-Volvec KV9T9-B Wasp in time for Skywalker to complete a practice run that same afternoon.

On the day of the race, Leia Organa attempted to dissuade Luke from participating, but he remained determined to compete. He realized that he could not succeed without the assistance of the Force. By suppressing distracting thoughts, young Skywalker navigated the course by feeling his way. He entered the first stage of the race with confidence, maneuvering through the narrow gorge, overtaking two other pods, and setting his sights on the leader.

The second stage traversed a complex network of underground caves and tunnels, known as Aliuun Gorge, culminating in a near-vertical ascent. Luke gained ground on his competitors as he emerged from the ravine and embarked on the final stage of the race. Entering the open plains for the final stretch, the inexperienced podracer challenged the Bin Gassi for the lead. The Nuknog piloting the pod swerved to block his young challenger, lost control, and allowed the Wasp to overtake him and seize the lead. Luke Skywalker maintained his advantage and won the race, causing the Imperial assassin, X-7, disguised as Tobin Elad, to question whether the young rebel was indeed the pilot who destroyed the Death Star, and the one he had been sent to eliminate.

Subsequent Events

Following the victory, Han, Luke, and Tobin Elad were granted the datacard as promised back at Kennun's residence. However, Nal Keenun discovered the bounties on Han Solo's and Tobin Elad's heads and refused to let the opportunity for profit pass. After a standoff to arrest the pair, Elad offered to go willingly with the Muun if he agreed to release his friends. At that moment, Leia entered with Nal Keenun's pet Krayt dragon, threatening the serpent's well-being. Left with no other option, Keenun was compelled to ensure the Rebels' safe departure from the planet.

Aboard the Millennium Falcon after takeoff, Leia Organa confided in Elad and extended an invitation for him to join the rebellion. Following this conversation, he contacted his master, informing him that his Target may be Luke Skywalker, due to his surprising victory in the podrace.

