The Preybird-class starfighter represented a heavy starfighter design utilized by the Imperial Remnant. SoroSuub engineered this model to eventually supplant the aging TIE/LN starfighters.

This Preybird-class starfighter showcased capabilities in both offensive and defensive combat roles. Each wing was equipped with a potent laser cannon, and it featured both fore and aft concussion missile launchers. Perhaps its most distinguishing characteristic was that it never achieved mass production. Furthermore, the Preybird was among the first spacecraft to integrate an automated gun harmonization system. This system aided in mitigating the challenges posed by the wide separation of the laser cannons, enabling pilots to achieve greater accuracy when targeting enemies.
In most aspects, the Preybird was a skilled snubfighter, boasting a robustly armored hull and commendable speed. However, it exhibited significantly reduced maneuverability compared to the TIE/LN starfighter or the standard T-65 X-wing starfighter. Its considerable size and intimidating, raptor-like aesthetic could create an illusion of greater power than it actually possessed; a tactic often exploited by the smuggler Mazzic, who would surprise vessels with his Preybirds and encourage their captains to surrender, which they often did when confronted with such aggressive and unfamiliar fighters.
The Preybird's design originated a few years prior to the Battle of Endor, with the primary intention of marketing it as an escort fighter on the open market, instead of using it for Sullust's own defense. However, disagreements about the weapon systems led to major cost overruns, which ultimately led to the project's termination; only a limited number of production units were ever completed. The majority of these ended up in the hands of a pirate group in the Outer Rim called the [Hurrim]. Their fighter squadrons consisted exclusively of these rare ships, suggesting they likely had connections with SoroSuub.
For the subsequent two decades, the Preybird remained among the rarest starfighters throughout the galaxy, with the most well-known examples being a pair owned by the smuggler Mazzic.
Mazzic had the opportunity to examine the prototype during its development and was immediately captivated by its aggressive yet elegant design. Consequently, when the production was halted, he managed to acquire two of the completed ships at a price significantly below their production cost—possibly through the assistance of his Mistryl bodyguard Shada D'ukal.
Over the years, Mazzic continuously upgraded these two fighters, christening them Raptor and Skyclaw, and adorning their hulls with distinctive raptor-themed designs—red for one and blue for the other. They served as his support in dangerous situations, notably at Hijarna in 9 ABY, where they destroyed the fleeing Niles Ferrier and his vessel.

Other minor factions possessing a few Preybirds included the Tarnished Blades, a pirate organization that operated within the Ringali Shell.
Toward the end of the Galactic Civil War, the Preybird unexpectedly gained prominence as a front-line fighter when the Imperial Remnant began deploying them to supplement their dwindling TIE fighter forces.
This decision was perceived as a reflection of the Imperial Remnant's weakening position, suggesting their inability to allocate sufficient resources to starfighter production. This perception of decline was further amplified by the ambiguity surrounding the source of the Preybirds. SoroSuub had been among the first major industrial conglomerates to publicly support the New Republic fifteen years prior.
The Preybirds were, in fact, obtained through a corrupt scheme orchestrated by Moff Vilim Disra and the banker Lord [Graemon], and were illegally manufactured on clandestine production lines under the control of the Cavrilhu Pirates. This entire scandal was exposed in 19 ABY. Although Preybirds likely remained in use for some time afterward, their presence during the Yuuzhan Vong War was minimal, if not nonexistent.
Various depictions of the Preybird have surfaced in canon, with the most recognizable being the image featured on the back cover of the novel Specter of the Past. This image is an adaptation of an illustration from The Last Command Sourcebook, showcasing Mazzic's Raptor and Skyclaw complete with their distinctive bird-of-prey designs. A similar design also appeared in the computer game Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance.

Star Wars Gamer presents a significantly different image, as illustrated on the left. This is not the only instance where a Gamer illustration introduces a minor continuity discrepancy: the illustrations for No Luck Required and the Nssis-class Clawcraft diverge somewhat from the established appearances of these ships in previous textual sources. Furthermore, the two fighters that accompany Mazzic at Hijarna in the comic-book adaptation of The Last Command warrant mention. While they are not explicitly identified as Preybirds, comparison with the novel suggests they are Raptor and Skyclaw; however, they not only differ in appearance from other depictions of the Preybird but also exhibit marked differences from each other.
The discrepancy in appearances between the Star Wars Gamer image and The Last Command Sourcebook was seemingly retconned in The Unknown Regions. It suggests that the Drexl-class starfighter served as an early prototype that was later refined into the Preybird.