This particular assignment unfolded in the year 3 BBY, a period when Jahan Cross infiltrated the Imperial Research Station 61 situated on the planetary surface of Wayland. His objective was to scrutinize Colonel Milosh Muhrlein, the commanding officer of the aforementioned research installation. Within the colonel's documented files, Cross unearthed evidence suggesting a correlation between the station's experimental droid and device creations and their counterparts being illicitly traded on the black market. Following Muhrlein's unsuccessful attempt to corrupt Cross through bribery, both Cross and his droid companion, IN-GA 44, were ambushed by Muhrlein, accompanied by his two prototype battle droids, designated as B-2A and B-2B.
IN-GA 44 neutralized the pair of battle droids, while Cross dispatched Muhrlein using an electrocution device, resulting in the colonel's demise.