Mission to Brentaal IV

title: Raid on Brentaal IV

In the year 0 ABY, during which the Alliance to Restore the Republic was active, the crew of the Far Orbit, an EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate used for privateering and affiliated with the Alliance, embarked on a mission. This mission involved dispatching a team to the planet Brentaal IV to retrieve a datadisc from a contact working for the Alliance. The datadisc held current, highly sensitive data concerning the route of the Imperial Star Galleon-class frigate Emperor's Will. While the privateer team successfully acquired the datadisc, they were subsequently pursued by agents from the Imperial Security Bureau. The Far Orbit intervened by creating a diversion, which ultimately allowed the team to escape the planet.


During 0 ABY, a year marked by the Galactic Civil War between the Galactic Empire and the Alliance to Restore the Republic, a portion of the crew aboard the Imperial Navy's EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate Far Orbit mutinied, breaking away from Imperial control. Dhas Fenoep Vedij then claimed the role of captain of the ship, leading the mutineers to become privateers aligned with the Alliance.

Later, an Imperial task force located the Far Orbit while it was operating within the Core Worlds' Ringali Shell. Although the task force failed to capture the ship, it inflicted significant damage, forcing the Far Orbit to withdraw from the Ringali Shell for several weeks of repairs. Once the ship was repaired and ready to return, Vedij organized a landing party for the first mission the privateers would undertake upon their return to the Ringali Shell. The plan involved the privateer landing party landing on the planet Brentaal IV to receive a datadisc containing sensitive information from a Devaronian waiter named Tynial, who worked at the Pathline Tapcafe. The exchange was to occur after the party asked the waiter for Gruuvan shaal.

The Objective

The team arrived in Brentaal's space, utilizing a captured freighter for transport, and encountered an Imperial IPV-1 System Patrol Craft. The patrol craft conducted an inspection, scanning the ship and questioning its cargo and origin. The landing party successfully deceived the inspection with false identities, and proceeded to a landing bay within Cityblock Kesk-319, a district on Brentaal. The landing party then traveled to the Pathline Tapcafe, situated at the intersection of Route 6903 and Citypath 515, using the region's public transit system after smuggling their limited weaponry past the security scanners at the transit stations.

Captain Dhas Vedij sends a transmission to the people of Brentaal IV.

The group arrived at the tapcafe without incident, but could not locate Tynial among the staff. They learned from other staff members that the Devaronian, along with other non-humans, had been arrested earlier for lacking proper identification. Despite Tynial's absence, the group ordered Gruuvan shaal, and was approached by a young waiter who suggested they visit the Jovvitz, a nightclub in Block 135, later that night. The privateers followed this suggestion and discovered that the nightclub was closed, abandoned, and its windows were covered. After forcing their way inside, the landing party was met with bright lights and a demand for identification. Upon revealing their affiliation with the Far Orbit, the lights dimmed, and the waiter, revealed to be a slicer from a Rebel cell on Brentaal, emerged from the shadows. While his associates remained hidden, he handed over the sought-after datadisc, which contained recently acquired Imperial data so critical that the Imperials would seal the spaceport if its theft became known.

At that moment, Imperial Security Bureau agents arrived outside the building and ordered the occupants to surrender. In response, the lights in the Jovvitz were extinguished, and the waiter and the privateers quickly escaped through the back door, boarding an Ubrikkian Industries CL69 Landspeeder to flee. Two ISB agents fired blaster shots through the windows before breaching the building in pursuit. As their targets escaped, two security speeders gave chase. They managed to fatally shoot the waiter dead, causing him to lose control. The privateers wrestled control of the speeder from the corpse, evaded the pursuing ISB agents, and returned to their freighter at the spaceport. After paying the docking fees, the party's ship took off just before the Kesk Cityblocks' spaceports were locked down, with all departing starships ordered to land or face destruction. Now in orbit above Brentaal, the party's freighter refused to comply and was pursued by TIE/LN starfighters. The freighter activated a distress beacon, signaling the Far Orbit for assistance.

The Far Orbit briefly jumped into the system, raising its deflector shields in preparation for combat. The frigate also broadcast a wide-beam transmission explaining their reasons for becoming privateers to the people of Brentaal IV. This announcement enraged the Imperials, who deployed all available security forces to engage the Far Orbit. The TIEs, after making a single strafing run on the freighter, broke off to engage the EF76, leaving a pair of Hunter-Killer probots to attempt to capture the freighter as they passed it in pursuit of the frigate. The freighter evaded the droids and jumped to hyperspace, with the Far Orbit following moments later.


The datadisc acquired by the team contained information regarding the Star Galleon-class frigate Emperor's Will and its route to the planet Esseles, scheduled for three days after the datadisc's acquisition. The datadisc also revealed that the Emperor's Will's cargo, primarily precious metals and spices, was valued at 400 million credits. The galleon was to be escorted by the EF76 Zaff Jendinpurg. As the Emperor's Will would be in hyperspace until reaching its destination, the crew of the Far Orbit planned to intercept it, pull it out of hyperspace, and seize its cargo. This plan led to an encounter with the Immobilizer 418 cruiser Claw, and subsequently a battle for the galleon's contents. Meanwhile, the ISB initiated a hunt for the Rebel slicers who had assisted the privateers.

Production Notes

The mission was originally featured in Raid on Brentaal, an adventure scenario published in 1998's The Far Orbit Project, by Timothy S. O'Brien. This book served as a supplement to West End Games's Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. While the adventure scenario provides a framework and allows for player agency, it offers fewer choices and paths compared to other scenarios. The ship used to reach Brentaal IV can be a shuttle, though a captured freighter is recommended. During the speeder chase, the gamemaster can add two more speeders to increase the difficulty. The mission can also be expanded into a privateer-only operation, where they acquire the datadisc independently after researching the planet and establishing a base of operations.

