Mischa Vorfren was a male Force-sensitive mercenary of the Anzat species, a dark side expert, and an unwilling slave owned by Phylus Mon. Like all of Mon's slaves, Vorfren had an explosive device implanted in him, set to detonate upon Phylus Mon's death, regardless of the cause. Though Vorfren was aware that an ion weapon blast could disable the explosive in his chest, Phylus Mon forbade any ion weapons from being brought aboard his ship, the Animiasma.
Vorfren's chosen weapons were a heavy blaster pistol and a pair of combat gloves. Ku-Kak, another of Phylus Mon's slave bodyguards, gave Vorfren a green lightsaber that once belonged to Jedi Knight Ish-Bel Tur. Vorfren became the sole lightsaber user whom Ku-Kak would not immediately attack.
Around 20 BBY, the Animiasma journeyed to the Cularin system as part of Phylus Mon's scheme to repair the damaged Sith artifact called the Darkstaff. While Phylus Mon was examining the Staff, it abruptly vanished. Moments later, a team of individuals opposed to Phylus Mon's goals stormed into the throne room. At his master's command, Vorfren drew his lightsaber, but did not activate it. He, along with four Coruscani ogres from Phylus Mon's retinue, attempted to defend the dais where their master was seated.
However, Vorfren's true desire was to gain his freedom and eliminate Phylus Mon. He intended to trade his lightsaber and his cooperation in exchange for an ion weapon shot to his chest. To improve his chances of successful negotiation, he tried to conceal his true species, which was notorious, and pass himself off as a Human.