Milinae Untaire

Milinae Untaire was a Corellian smuggler of the Human female persuasion, who lived her life as the Galactic Republic was nearing its end. She had an identical twin named Trilinae Untaire, who, unlike Milinae, possessed Force-sensitive abilities and became a member of the Jedi Order. During the period of the Clone Wars, Milinae accompanied Trilinae and Jedi Master Darrus Jeht on a quest to uncover the identity of the enigmatic crime lord known only as R. They made planetfall on R's space station within the Cularin system and managed to infiltrate the structure, but their efforts to gain information about him proved fruitless. As a result, R had Milinae's starship obliterated, which forced the trio to commandeer a yacht as a means of escape. Sometime later in the war, circa 19 BBY, Trilinae disappeared, prompting Milinae to send a message to Jeht, requesting his assistance in locating her sister. She also made him aware of the recent destroyed state of the Almas Academy, a Jedi academy located on the planet Almas within the Cularin system, a revelation that deeply troubled him. Untaire boarded Jeht's warship, named the Maelstrom, and Jeht immediately ordered it to set course for the Cularin system. However, upon their arrival, the warship became embroiled in a battle with the Separatist capital ship called Shadowblade, leading Jeht to instruct Untaire and the droid R-0 to seek refuge aboard his personal vessel, the Legacy.

