
Originally a male Saurton warrior hailing from the planet Essowyn within the Trax sector, Miktiss found himself embroiled in conflict. As a staunch advocate for the Des'mar, a Saurton faction backing the mining conglomerates that held sway over their homeworld, Miktiss actively engaged in military actions against the Quenno, a group vehemently opposed to corporate dominance. Ultimately, his illicit deeds led to his apprehension and trial before the Council of Elders. Despite being in the employ of Council members who themselves were Des'mar sympathizers, the overwhelming evidence resulted in a death sentence. Demonstrating unwavering loyalty to the Des'mar cause, he refused to implicate any Council members in his transgressions. In recognition of his sacrifice, he was smuggled away from the planet prior to his scheduled execution, under the condition that he would never return to Essowyn.

Venturing towards the Kathol sector, Miktiss embraced piracy, establishing a group known as the Des'maric Pirates circa 7 ABY. Procuring several Skipray Blastboats along with an Action IV transport to serve as the core of his pirate fleet, he forged a partnership with a local crime lord, Crev Bombaasa. Bombaasa provided him with freighter routes in exchange for a cut of the pirates' spoils. Miktiss then utilized his small fleet to seize numerous vessels and exert influence over less advanced planets situated throughout the Kathol sector.


Early life

Miktiss, a male Saurton, entered the world on Essowyn, the homeworld of his species, which is located within the Trax sector of the Mid Rim. The planet was under the control of various [mining](/article/mining-legends] corporations, who were supported by a coalition of Saurton factions known as the Des'mar to maintain their position of power. The Des'mar were of the belief that the presence of the mining companies was essential for the growth of Essowyn, due to the fact that they brought in external trade and cultural influences. Miktiss functioned as a warrior for the Des'mar, working to disrupt the Quenno, a faction of Saurtons who were seeking to remove the mining companies from Essowyn, as they held the belief that control of the planet's resources should be in the hands of the Council of Elders, the planet's traditional governing body. Miktiss himself spearheaded multiple attacks on demonstrations organized by the Quenno. However, Miktiss's actions were deemed illegal, and irrefutable evidence of his wrongdoings was presented to the Saurton Council of Elders. Despite the fact that several members of the Council were themselves Des'mar supporters, and had even employed Miktiss, they were obligated by law to execute the warrior as punishment for his crimes. Even though the Council had sentenced him, Miktiss remained loyal to the Des'mar cause and declined to betray them, insisting that he had acted independently. His loyalty was rewarded when—before his execution—he was secretly smuggled off-world, with the understanding that he would never again set foot on Essowyn.

A life of piracy

Effectively banished from his homeworld, Miktiss embraced piracy and established an organization around 7 ABY, naming them the Des'maric Pirates. Upon learning about a trio of GAT-12 Skipray Blastboats stationed at the starport on the planet Elshandruu Pica, Miktiss orchestrated for members of his organization to infiltrate the surrounding area. The Blastboats were being held for purchase by Kina Margath, the owner of the Margath's chain of entertainment establishments who served as a Foster Agent for the Rebel Alliance during the Galactic Civil War. While a minor criminal in his employ created a distraction for the starport security, Miktiss led the operation to seize the vessels and managed to get them off-planet and into hyperspace before the system's patrol vessels could respond. The Blastboats were painted in a gaudy manner and named Des'maric One, Des'maric Two, and Des'maric Three, and Miktiss entrusted command of the vessels to three of his top lieutenants—fellow Saurton and longtime friend Ginzet, a Human named Jerri, and an Aqualish mercenary called Yun.

One of Miktiss's Skipray Blastboats

Not long after acquiring the Blastboats, the pirates seized the Corellian Engineering Corporation Action IV transport Cekbar Servant, a bulk freighter that was registered to a consortium of Nalroni merchants operating out of Celanon. Miktiss renamed the vessel as the Asagov Raider, and used a combination of blackmail and negotiation to compel a former Sienar Fleet Systems engineer to extensively modify the vessel, including the addition of extra weapons and armor, as well as stronger shields, and an increase in the ship's speed. Using the Asagov Raider as a mobile command base, Miktiss relocated the pirates to the Kathol sector. He entered into an agreement with Crev Bombaasa, a crime lord operating out of the planet Pembric II. Bombaasa provided Miktiss with freighter travel routes in return for a third of the pirates' captured goods. While the pirates' operations were relatively small-scale—capturing only three bulk freighters by 8 ABY—Miktiss also exploited his small fleet to intimidate primitive worlds into paying him tribute.

The Saurton assembled a group of around one hundred individuals to form the pirates, many of whom were common criminals who would have readily turned Miktiss over to the authorities if they believed it would save themselves. Although aware that they possessed limited skills, Miktiss nonetheless assigned the most competent members of his organization to the Blastboats, reasoning that he needed his best people in the vessels that would be involved in actual combat. The group avoided the notice of Imperial authorities as the vessels that they had captured were recorded as lost due to hyperspace accidents, and they presented a significant threat to any lightly armed merchant ship traveling through the sector. Miktiss's primary tactic involved maneuvering a large asteroid into the flight path of a target, forcing the vessel out of hyperspace. Before the vessel had the chance to recalculate the hyperspace jump, the Blastboats would move in and surround the vessel, demanding its surrender. At times, the crew of the vessel was allowed transport to a habitable planet, although not all crews were granted that luxury. Goods seized from the raids were typically sold on Pembric II, or at the Tanquilla Beach shadowport. Unbeknownst to Miktiss, Bombaasa was secretly plotting to seize control of the Des'maric Pirates, buying the loyalty of several members of the organization, including Ginzet, the individual Miktiss considered to be his most trusted lieutenant.

Personality and traits

Miktiss, a Saurton exhibiting yellow-green skin, displayed immense loyalty to the Des'mar and his people, sincerely believing that Essowyn required the mining corporations in order to prosper. He had no reservations about using violence against the Quenno opposition to ensure the dominance of the Des'mar. Even when facing certain death, Miktiss remained steadfast in his ideals and refused to place blame on the Council that had condemned him. As a Saurton, Miktiss possessed resistance to disease. He was also ruthless, and it was widely known that he would execute any member of the organization if they were discovered to be a traitor.

A skilled warrior, Miktiss typically led from the front, personally overseeing operations to suppress Quenno protests. As his role and responsibilities evolved when he formed the Des'maric Pirates, Miktiss no longer participated in front-line actions, preferring to remain on the Asagov Raider during raids. He did, however, enjoy personally interrogating prisoners captured by the pirates in the detention cells of the Asagov Raider.

Skill and abilities

Miktiss was a pilot who was fully capable of flying both space transports and starfighters, and he possessed the ability to plot courses through hyperspace. He was also proficient in the programming of droids, and the repair of starfighters. His position as leader of the Des'Maric Pirates provided Miktiss with a working knowledge of the planetary systems within the Kathol sector.


Miktiss preferred to use a vibro-ax and a blaster pistol in combat, and he wore a blast vest and carried a comlink in addition to his weapons.

Behind the scenes

The cover of The DarkStryder Campaign.

Miktiss was a character created for West End Games' The DarkStryder Campaign, which was released on July 17, 1995. Miktiss was only featured in the "Rogues Gallery" section of the book, which was written by Bill Smith. While Miktiss did not appear in any of the adventures, he—along with the Des'maric Pirates—were included in the book to provide the Gamemaster with the option of incorporating him into an original adventure.


  • The DarkStryder Campaign (First mentioned)
  • The DarkStryder Campaign, Deluxe

Notes and references
