Mia Gabon was a pilot of human descent. During the Cold War era, she served the New Republic within the Starfighter Corps of the New Republic Defense Force, which was in conflict with the First Order. In the year 34 ABY, Gabon piloted a T-85 X-wing starfighter as a member of a team that included fellow pilots Kazuda Xiono and Hugh Sion. Their mission was to deliver crucial intelligence to Commander Poe Dameron. As they were being pursued by Major Elrik Vonreg of the First Order, Xiono instructed Gabon and Sion to jump to hyperspace, while he remained to complete their objective.

During the Cold War of 34 ABY between the New Republic and the First Order, Mia Gabon, a human, was a pilot within the Starfighter Corps of the New Republic Defense Force. She flew a T-85 X-wing starfighter as a member of Kazuda Xiono's team. Alongside Xiono and Hugh Sion, another pilot, they embarked on a mission to meet with Commander Poe Dameron of the Resistance to transmit vital information.
Upon reaching the designated meeting location, the three pilots were ambushed by Major Elrik Vonreg of the First Order. Gabon and Sion expressed concern about their ability to successfully conclude their mission. Xiono directed them and Sion to flee into hyperspace and return to base, providing cover for their escape. After Gabon and Sion engaged their s-foils and initiated their hyperspace jumps, Vonreg shot Xiono's starfighter, but Commander Dameron quickly rescued the pilot. Instead of going back to base to link up with Gabon and Sion, Xiono volunteered to join the Resistance, and his failure to return led Sion and Gabon to assume the worst had happened.
Gabon possessed light skin, brown hair, and eyes. When Vonreg was pursuing them, they displayed frustration and distress due to their inability to get a shot on the enemy. When instructed to return to base, Gabon complied, requesting a promise from Xiono that he would follow soon after. After Xiono did not return to base, Gabon feared the worst had happened.
While piloting their T-85 X-wing starfighter, Gabon wore a blue New Republic flight suit, including a blue flight helmet with a white stripe down the center and two red, rounded triangles on either side of it. The helmet also featured a breathing tube connected to the left side of the chin.
Mia Gabon's initial appearance was in "The Recruit," the first part of the two-part season one premiere of the animated television series Star Wars Resistance. Cherami Leigh voiced the character, and she was honored and thrilled to be a part of the show. The episode was broadcast on October 7, 2018.