The MC75 Armored Cruiser, which is a version of the MC75 Star Cruiser, was utilized by the Rebel Alliance Navy. This Star Cruiser featured a hull that was bulb-shaped, a mast located dorsally, a ventral mast that was longer, and a minimum of four engines situated at its rear. There was a moment when an MC75 Armored Cruiser, being used by the Alliance, could be seen above a celestial body of a teal hue.
The initial mention of the MC75 Armored Cruiser occurred in the "Profundity" article. This article was made available by Fantasy Flight Games on their website on January 3, 2018. This article served as an advertisement for the Profundity Expansion Pack, which became available on February 1 of that same year, and for which the MC75 Armored Cruiser was designed to be the focus of a card.
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