The MC-series star cruiser, alternatively referred to as the Mon Calamari cruiser, encompassed a series of starships fabricated by the Mon Calamari Shipyards. These vessels were distinguished by their naturally shaped, bulbous forms. A significant number of MC-series Star Cruisers served within the ranks of the Rebel Alliance, functioning as their primary capital ships. Following the Battle of Yavin, Han Solo, Leia Organa, and Luke Skywalker journeyed to Mon Cala with the intention of persuading the Mon Calamari to contribute their fleet to the rebel cause. Upon witnessing the broadcast of the demise of their king, the Mon Calamari initiated a mutiny against the Galactic Empire and subsequently aligned themselves with the Rebel Alliance. During the Battle of Endor, the Rebel Alliance strategically deployed several comparable Mon Calamari cruisers alongside Home One with the purpose of obscuring the identity of Admiral Gial Ackbar's command ship.
Coral City's skyscrapers were essentially MC starship designs that had been landed and docked.
The MC-series star cruiser represented a line of Mon Calamari starships produced at the Mon Calamari Shipyards. The series' ships were known for their design, which featured bulbous and organic shapes. The series included a range of vessels, from frigates and light cruisers to star cruisers and heavy cruisers.
The MC30C frigate, with a length of 380 meters, was a class of fast-attack frigate. Originally designed as city-ships, they were later modified for combat purposes. The MC30C was recognized as one of the most formidable mid-tier warships within the Alliance to Restore the Republic and was among the fastest ships built by Mon Calamari Shipyards. These frigates saw action in the Galactic Civil War against the Galactic Empire, participating in battles such as the Battle of Xorrn and the Battle of Jakku under the banner of the New Republic.
Another product of the MC-series from Mon Calamari Shipyards was the MC40a light cruiser, which measured between 500 and 600 meters. The MC40A was designed as a versatile and well-rounded vessel, capable of acting as the command ship for smaller attack fleets. It could also support special forces operations, provide diplomatic escort, serve as a starfighter base of operations, and generally support fleet operations.
The MC75 Star Cruisers originated as Mon Calamari city-ships, initially used as passenger liners and civilian transport before being converted into combat vessels for the Rebel Alliance. With a length of 1,204.44 meters, the MC75 Star Cruiser became the Alliance's first true command ship, equipped with battleship-grade hulls, numerous weapons, and redundant deflector shields. The MC75 was distinguished by a prominent ventral outrigger fin that housed the bridge. The MC75 Star Cruiser was among the first vessels to undergo retrofitting by the Alliance, with the Rebel Alliance Navy's flagship being the MC75 Profundity. The Profundity participated in the Battle of Scarif, and other MC75 examples included the Accordance, the Aspiration, the Silver Coronet, and the Temperance. MC75 Star Cruisers were involved in engagements such as a battle above Cianap, the Battle of Mako-Ta, a battle in the Hosnian system, and the scouring of Mon Cala as part of the New Republic Defense Fleet.

Several variants of the MC75 existed, including the MC75 Armored Cruiser and the MC75 Ordnance Cruiser. Additionally, there was the MC75B Star Cruiser, which differed by lacking the outrigger ventral fin and instead featuring large horizontal masts at the rear and an additional module near the engines.
The MC75C Star Cruiser was another variant that also lacked the ventral outrigger fin, with the fin instead positioned on the dorsal hull at the rear of the cruiser. Another MC75 warship variation did not have the fin, and was designed with a large ridge at the center-rear of the ship, along with a module placed on top. A fourth variation also stood apart from the base MC75 Star Cruiser by having two sets of horizontal masts, a large set at the midship and a smaller set towards the aft. This variation also had multiple modules throughout its hull.
The MC80 Star Cruiser was a line of heavy cruisers comprised of two primary types: the MC80 Liberty Type Heavy Star Cruiser and the MC80A Home One Type Heavy Star Cruiser. The MC80 Liberty cruiser was the standard ship of the line, although a wingless variant of the vessel was also in existence.

The MC85 Star Cruiser was a heavy Star Cruiser measuring 3,438.37 meters in length, jointly produced by the Mon Calamari Shipyards and the Corellian Engineering Corporation. Created for service within the New Republic Defense Fleet, the MC85's internal layout was designed to be more accommodating to crew members who were not amphibious, unlike previous MC-series vessels. Because its construction occurred after the enactment of the New Republic's Military Disarmament Act, the MC85 was designed to be a highly automated ship, capable of operating at full effectiveness with only minimal crews. The vessel was also equipped with a reduced amount of weaponry, which was offset by exceptionally powerful deflector shields. One MC85, the Raddus, served as the flagship of the Resistance navy until its destruction during the Battle of Oetchi.