Marx Grocco

Marx Grocco, a male Human, made his home in the Corellian system throughout the Galactic Civil War. He was an employee of the organization known as Cluster World Relations.


Following the Battle of Yavin, Marx Grocco held the position of Director within Cluster World Relations. This agency's official purpose was to cultivate positive relationships between Human populations and the various tribal species inhabiting the worlds of the Corellian system. In the year 1 ABY, a group of Selonians from the Neetha Den located on Talus were taken captive by pirates, who intended to exploit the remaining members of the den by holding them hostage. This situation led to feelings of anti-human sentiment among the Selonian population of Talus, resulting in aggressive anti-human demonstrations taking place in the city of Nashal. Although no violent acts against Humans were reported, both the local police force and Cluster World Relations issued a travel advisory for Nashal. Through the Corellia News Service, Marx Grocco clarified that this precautionary measure was implemented to safeguard the public safety of Human citizens and travelers on Talus from potential hostile encounters with non-human protestors. During this period, Grocco collaborated closely with officers from the Corellian Security Force in an investigation concerning any unauthorized dealings with the tribal inhabitants of Talus.


  • Chapter 1: The Corellian Captives on the official Star Wars Galaxies website (original site is defunct) (First mentioned)
  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia

Notes and references
