Cluster World Relations, an entity of the Corellian government, had the responsibility of fostering positive connections between the Human inhabitants and the indigenous species residing across the planets within the Corellian system. Throughout the Galactic Civil War, under the guidance of Director Marx Grocco, Cluster World Relations collaborated with Corellian Security Force officers to probe into unauthorized transactions involving the Selonians of Talus.

Cluster World Relations, an organization belonging to the Corellian state, was charged with the duty of cultivating harmonious relationships between the Human community and the native species that populated the diverse worlds of the Corellian system. Marx Grocco held the position of Director for Cluster World Relations during the period of the Galactic Civil War.
Following the Battle of Yavin, pirates captured several Selonians from the Neetha Den on Talus and held them captive to exploit the remaining members of the den. This circumstance sparked anti-human sentiments among the Selonian population on Talus, leading to the outbreak of aggressive anti-human demonstrations within the city of Nashal. Despite the absence of reported violent acts against Humans, both the local police force and Cluster World Relations issued a travel advisory for Nashal. Marx Grocco, through the Corellia News Service, clarified that this preventative action aimed to guarantee the safety of Talusian human residents and human travelers from potential hostile encounters with non-human protestors. During this period, Cluster World Relations collaborated with officers from the Corellian Security Force to conduct an investigation into any unauthorized dealings with the indigenous population of Talus.