Malak (Rodian)

Malak, a Rodian female enslaver, entered the world in 26 BBY and was active during the era of the Galactic Civil War. She was infamous for leading her group in attacks on vulnerable communities, abducting individuals, and sometimes causing them serious harm. Notably, she kidnapped [Myo](/article/myo/legends], an Abyssin, from his home planet Byss with the intention of enslaving him, but he eventually managed to escape her grasp. As of 10 ABY, Malak remained active and at large, but she was also being pursued by the authorities of the New Republic.


Born in 26 BBY, Malak was a Rodian female. She made her living as a enslaver throughout the Galactic Civil War period, both before and after the pivotal Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, a conflict that marked a significant setback for the Galactic Empire. She held the position of leader within her own group of criminals, guiding them in raids against unsuspecting and undefended settlements. During these attacks, Malak employed a customized snare gun to capture her living targets.

Around 1 BBY, Malak continued her criminal activities. She launched an assault on the Outer Rim planet Byss, which was inhabited by Abyssins, a species frequently targeted by slavers at the time. She successfully captured at least one Abyssin, named Myo, and transported him aboard her personal starship. After departing Byss, she made a stop at Kinun Depot to replenish the fuel supply of her vessel. Myo seized this opportunity to break free from Malak's control.

The Empire had her listed in their TracSheets, a system used to document charges against criminals. Malak's file was identified by the number 11706900-AGTY-233476. She faced accusations related to her slaving activities, possession of illegal weaponry, and was also suspected of engaging in piracy. Despite the New Republic launching multiple campaigns to eradicate slavery following the Battle of Endor, Malak remained active and at large as of 10 ABY.

Personality and traits

Malak's appearance made her easily identifiable: she had lost some of the characteristic spikes of her species, and bore several scars on her neck and face, including her snout. Her skin was a pale shade of green, and she stood at a height of 1.5 meters. Malak possessed exceptional skills as a [torturer](/article/torture-legends], displaying no mercy, and was an expert in her illicit trade. She reveled in violence and enjoyed raiding defenseless communities. Beyond her cruelty, she was a shrewd negotiator, a skilled pilot and navigator, and a capable fighter. However, her leadership abilities were confined to her gang. Malak was a violent speciesist who held disdain for sentients from other species, prioritizing only money and disregarding the well-being, health, and lives of those she sold. On occasion, she accepted private contracts for "specialty goods." Malak defended her actions by claiming that there was a specific market demand for them.


Malak frequently adorned her hands with a variety of valuable rings. She also typically carried a snare gun and magnacuffs for capturing her targets, along with a blaster pistol for self defense.

Behind the scenes

Malak was first introduced in Galaxy Guide 11: Criminal Organizations (1994), written by Rick D. Stuart. This book, a supplement for West End Games' Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, featured a portrait of Malak by Terry Pavlet and a quote attributed to the character. The quote was presented as a translation, without specifying the original language spoken by Malak. The character also received mention in the Myo character entry within the book Alliance Intelligence Reports (1995), another resource supplement for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game.


  • Galaxy Guide 11: Criminal Organizations (Initial mention)
  • Alliance Intelligence Reports

Notes and references
