Maceb Joodsen

Maceb Joodsen served as both the co-pilot and the mechanic aboard the Redshift Runner while working alongside its captain, Elga Arbo.


Hailing from the world of Demar, Maceb Joodsen was a skilled starship mechanic and co-pilot, and found employment with captain Elga Arbo. Arbo had acquired a customized Z-10 Seeker from Starfeld Industries, named the Redshift Runner, with the goal of transforming it into a swift courier vessel; Joodsen assisted her in achieving this.

Arbo obtained funds from Gydio Lucone, a shady businessman who desired her to conduct smuggling operations for him. As Arbo successfully maintained regular payments (while simultaneously building her own renown), Lucone lacked any leverage against her. Upon her eventual payment delay, Lucone attempted to seize the ship. Arbo resisted, leading to a violent confrontation in which Arbo sustained severe injuries. With Arbo aboard, Joodsen took control of the ship and fled from Lucone's grasp. Shortly thereafter, Lucone placed a bounty on the ship's capture.


  • Stock Ships (Initial mention)
  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia
