The LX-2 comlink mine represented a type of perimeter mine that could be triggered remotely via command detonation. Its design incorporated a concealed communication code, enabling both the mine's activation and its deactivation for safe retrieval. A noteworthy and humiliating event occurred on the Imperial planet of Calonica. During a surprise inspection of the capital's defenses, consisting of over 50,000 LX-2 mines, it was revealed that more than 90% had been rendered inoperative. Spies working for the Alliance to Restore the Republic had successfully uncovered the confidential deactivation code, utilizing it to disable the mines, extract their explosive components, and subsequently replace the deactivated mines in their original positions. Consequently, this occurrence led to the development of the LX-4 proton mine, a model engineered to be tamper-proof, only capable of being neutralized through explosion.
- Imperial Sourcebook (First mentioned)
- Imperial Sourcebook, Second Edition