The Imperial Sourcebook, crafted by Greg Gorden, served as a supplement from West End Games for their rendition of the Star Wars Roleplaying Game. It delved into the structure of the Galactic Empire following the Battle of Yavin. This second edition was made available in June of 1994, subsequent to the first edition's release in October of 1989. It was conceived as an internal report on the Empire, put together for Mon Mothma by Arhul Hextrophon.
The Imperial Sourcebook "takes place during that chaotic time that begins after the destruction of the first Death Star" and "examines the power of the Empire following Star Wars IV: A New Hope."
Chapter One: A Primer on Imperial Power
Chapter Three: Imperial Intelligence
- How to Read an Imperial Intelligence Scandoc
Chapter Four: The Military
- Imperial Spin
- Admiral Jerjerrod's Testimony
Chapter Five: Capital Ships
Chapter Six: Custom Ordnance
Chapter Seven: Land Vehicles
Chapter Eight: Sector Group Organization
- Picutorion Viewed From the Top
- A Salvager's Run
- The Full Might of the Empire
Chapter Nine: Combat Artillery
Chapter Ten: Infantry Support Weapons
Chapter Eleven: Special Military Forces
- Death of a Rebel Base
- The Assault on Protazk
Chapter Twelve: Recruitment, Training, and Indoctrination
The second iteration of the Imperial Sourcebook initially saw publication in June of 1994. A subsequent printing occurred in January of 1995.