The tragic incident known as the Life Day massacre unfolded amid an impromptu commemoration of Life Day. This celebration was organized by young Wookiee slaves held at the Imperial Correctional Facility located on Kessel.
With assistance from Gyylghrard, who collaborated with the Jawa responsible for overseeing food storage, the Wookiees secretly planned their celebration during their midday meal break. For the event, Gyylghrard successfully procured rehydrated Corellian ryshcates accompanied by candles and sparksticks.
Following their meal, a female Wookiee initiated the melody of the Tree of Life with a growl, which the others quickly joined. Although the candles were intended to be lit for only one minute after the song's conclusion, the Wookiees simultaneously ignited their sparksticks, causing their electronic shackles to overload.
A battle then erupted, during which the stormtroopers discovered that their blasters had been drained of their power. Adult slaves joined the conflict, ultimately overpowering the guards. The insurgents managed to advance the fight to the launch bays, but the stormtroopers, having recharged their blasters, eliminated them all with blaster fire. Later, Gyylghrard learned from Moruth Doole that the warden, Dewt Kluskine, himself had issued the order.
Several years later, Gyylghrard exacted revenge for their deaths when he was appointed as an honor guard for the warden. During a visit from Jabba Desilijic Tiure's accountant, Fossco, Gyylghrard seized the opportunity to decapitate Kluskine using his Ceremonial poleaxe before being killed by the stormtroopers.