Dewt Kluskine

Dewt Kluskine served as the warden overseeing the Imperial Correctional Facility located on Kessel.

In addition to his duties as the prison's warden, he also managed the illicit spice trafficking operations. He was known for his cruelty and found pleasure in abusing the enslaved miners. When young Wookiee slaves attempted to escape, he commanded the stormtroopers to execute them rather than subdue them, igniting the animosity of Gyylghrard.

Some years following the Life Day Massacre, Gyylghrard was assigned to Kluskine's honor guard. Kluskine felt that having menacing-looking aliens as his bodyguards made him appear more formidable when meeting with visiting crime bosses. During a meeting with Fossco, a Toydarian accountant working for Jabba the Hutt, Gyylghrard used a ceremonial poleaxe to behead Kluskine, after which Gyylghrard was killed by the stormtroopers.

