Lew Brell, a Human male, resided on Nal Hutta during the period known as the Cold War that occurred between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire. He was once a member of the gang led by the Hutt crime lord Suudaa Nem'ro. Despite his departure from the gang, he found himself unable to depart the planet, ultimately settling in the industrial town of Jiguuna. Some time after Brell's exit from the gang, his younger sibling, Cam, decided to emulate his brother's path by joining the Hutt's organization. In the year 3643 BBY, Brell engaged an individual aligned with the Empire to extract his brother from his life of crime; however, Brell's rescue attempt proved unsuccessful when the individual returned sans Cam.

During the Cold War, which transpired between the Galactic Republic and the [Sith Empire](/article/sith_empire_(post%e2%80%93great_hyperspace_war), Lew Brell, a Human male, made his home on the planet of Nal Hutta, which had been adopted as the homeworld by the Hutt species. He entered the service of a Hutt crime lord known as Suudaa Nem'ro, where he formed an acquaintance with another of Nem'ro's associates, Rex Geer. Brell eventually chose to leave Nem'ro's gang, citing concerns about the excessive violence associated with the work. Subsequently, he dedicated ten years to attempting to leave Nal Hutta, but his efforts were fruitless.
In 3643 BBY, Brell's younger brother, Cam, decided to follow in his sibling's footsteps and became a member of Nem'ro's organization. Cam found himself fighting for Nem'ro against a rival Hutt, Voontara Fa'athra, in Jiguuna, an industrial town on Nal Hutta under Nem'ro's control. Upon learning of his brother's decision, Brell resolved to rescue him from the gang's clutches. Brell attempted to contact Rex Geer, who held the position of captain within Nem'ro's street gang, with the intention of persuading him to release Cam from his service. However, due to the ongoing gang war between Fa'athra and Nem'ro in Jiguuna, Brell was unable to reach his former acquaintance and thus began his search for someone who could assist him.
Brell located an individual aligned with the Empire within the Poison Pit cantina who expressed willingness to aid in Cam's rescue. Brell offered the individual his knowledge of the gang conflicts on Nal Hutta in exchange for their assistance, also expressing a willingness to pay in credits. The individual successfully navigated through Fa'athra's forces and reached Geer's safe house in Jiguuna, where Cam was believed to be. There, the individual discovered that Rex had, in fact, imprisoned Cam within a cage, alongside three other prisoners, because the younger Brell had attempted to desert the battlefield during a gun fight and join Fa'athra's side. Rex intended to present him to Nem'ro for interrogation, and when the individual requested Cam's release, the captain offered the Imperial credits to leave Cam in his custody instead of returning him to Brell.
The individual accepted, much to Cam's dismay, and departed Geer's house, returning to Brell at the cantina. Upon the individual's return, Brell was angered by the failure to rescue his brother and refused to compensate the individual.
Lew Brell departed Nem'ro's gang due to his perception of the life as excessively bloody and violent, although he gained significant knowledge of the gang warfare on Nal Hutta during his time working for the Hutt. When his brother, Cam, joined the same gang, he exhibited sufficient concern for his sibling to seek assistance in rescuing him and was prepared to offer both insights into the gang conflicts on Nal Hutta and financial compensation. Upon learning that his brother had been left to face punishment from Nem'ro, Brell became incensed and declined to compensate the individual who had abandoned his brother. Brell also valued honesty, even from those who had acted against his wishes. Brell was bald, possessed brown eyes, and had dark skin.
Lew Brell made his first appearance in the video game Star Wars: The Old Republic, which was launched by BioWare in 2011. His location was also indicated in the companion publication, Star Wars: The Old Republic Explorer's Guide. Brell is a key figure in the quest titled "Gang Warfare," where he tasks the player with rescuing his brother, Cam. The player is presented with a choice upon locating Cam: either to abandon him to his fate in exchange for credits (dark side) or to rescue him (light side). This article assumes that players choose the dark-side option and leave Cam, as only Imperial Agents and Bounty Hunters may take this mission. If the player leaves Cam, the player, upon returning to Brell, may choose to tell him the truth about leaving Cam or claim he was already dead upon arrival. Neither of these options corresponds with a specific alignment, so this article makes no assumption about which was chosen.