Kubariet was a Jedi Knight of the New Jedi Order, a male Humanoid, and an operative within New Republic Intelligence. When the galaxy was invaded by the Yuuzhan Vong species hailing from beyond the galactic rim (extra-galactic), Kubariet dedicated himself to fighting against the alien threat. After three months had passed in the Yuuzhan Vong war, Kubariet participated in defending the world of New Holgha, a planet in the Outer Rim, from the invading forces. Suffering injuries, he was compelled to escape and tried to reach his starship to leave the planet, only to be waylaid by a squad of Mandalorians. The soldiers, Mandalorian Protectors under the leadership of Mand'alor Boba Fett, revealed that they had secretly opposed the Yuuzhan Vong despite appearing to be allied, and they gave Kubariet intelligence they had obtained. Though he was initially skeptical, Kubariet used his Force senses to confirm the truth of their statements, and with the aid of the Mandalorian pilot Tiroc Vhon as an escort, Kubariet fled New Holgha to deliver the intelligence to the New Republic, while the other Mandalorian soldiers covered his retreat by killing the subaltern that had been pursuing him. Later, after a period of two weeks, Kubariet traveled to Mandalorian space to meet Boba Fett again. The two landed their ships on the grassy plains of the planet Vorpa'ya, where they agreed to continue exchanging secret information. During their discussion, Kubariet requested that Fett consider re-establishing the Cuy'val Dar—a group of training sergeants, primarily of Mandalorian heritage, that had been responsible for training the Galactic Republic's clone commando units during the Clone Wars—to assist in training planetary defense forces to fight the Yuuzhan Vong. Fett said he would think about the request, and he offered Kubariet some bio-samples of Yuuzhan Vong armor and technology that the Mandalorians had acquired, which Kubariet gladly accepted for future analysis. As the meeting drew to a close, Fett had only one further request of Kubariet, which the Jedi promptly agreed to: to remember the sacrifice of Briika Jeban, who died holding off the Yuuzhan Vong subaltern to allow Kubariet to escape New Holgha alive.
Kubariet's fight against the Yuuzhan Vong invasion continued, and he was eventually promoted to the rank of Jedi Master. On more than one occasion, he fought alongside the Mandalorian Protectors, including Boba Fett and his trusted lieutenant, Goran Beviin. Ultimately, Kubariet perished during the war, though Beviin remembered him fondly more than a decade afterwards, and Fett would long consider Kubariet the only Jedi he had ever placed his trust in prior to his acquaintance with Jaina Solo.
Kubariet was introduced to the Star Wars universe in Boba Fett: A Practical Man, a New Jedi Order e-novella by author Karen Traviss that was released in August of 2006. He was later referenced in Traviss' Legacy of the Force: Revelation, a Star Wars: Legacy of the Force novel.