Briika Jeban was a Mandalorian mercenary and also worked as a bounty hunter. She was a mother, widowed, to a single daughter named Dinua Jeban. Dinua, at thirteen years old, was considered an adult according to Mandalorian customs.
When Mandalore Boba Fett convened a group of Mandalorians for a meeting with Nom Anor to talk about the Mandalorians' potential involvement in the impending Yuuzhan Vong invasion, she was among them. Briika suffered a mortal wound during the Mandalorians' clandestine attempt to provide intelligence to the New Republic on New Holgha, by sending a Jedi, Kubariet, back to Republic territory. To maintain their ruse, the Mandalorians eliminated a pair of Yuuzhan Vong fighters. Briika brought one of them down, but unfortunately, she was pierced by a spike from the vonduun crab armor worn by the warrior. Despite the medical droid aboard Slave I trying to save her, Briika passed away, having given her life to protect a Jedi. Following her death, her daughter Dinua was taken in by fellow Mandalorians Goran Beviin and Medrit Vasur.
Her name originated from the Mando'a word "briikase," which translates to "happy."