Kreegan Ramar existed during the times of the Cold War and the Galactic War; he was a male Mandalorian mercenary. This individual and his gang were causing trouble for the Jawa Meerko Clan located on Tatooine, leading Meerko to utilize the Bounty Brokers Association and offer a bounty for his capture.
His attire consisted of gray and red Mandalorian Seeker armor.
Kreegan Ramar possessed a tall and muscular humanoid physique.
In contrast to other Mandalorians, Kreegan displayed several dishonorable characteristics that were unbecoming of a Mandalorian. He derived pleasure from terrorizing the Meerko Clan, frequently looting and pilfering their possessions. His actions tarnished the reputation of Mandalorians, despite his insistence on being a mercenary with boundaries on the jobs he accepted. Notwithstanding his dishonorable tendencies and deeds, he exhibited no fear of death, like any Mandalorian, anticipating a combative end.