Kli-Klu Niib, a Sullustan of the male persuasion, was a professional sabacc player employed by the Sanads of Rorkee hotel's casino.
To calculate odds and gain an edge in his gambling, Niib had a datapad surgically attached to the dorsal side of his hand to perform rapid calculations. This practice, while unconventional, was within the bounds of the law.
Those who knew Niib understood him to be a solemn individual who kept his personal life private.
During the year 31 BBY, Niib observed Dr. Shilaea Motacc, a guest at the hotel, and formed a positive impression of her character. Niib experienced both shock and sorrow when Motacc seemingly perished in what was reported as a cave-in within the Dorumaa Excavation simulation—especially because he held the conviction that such accidents were impossible within that environment.