Kiisa Kimotte

The Selonian named Kiisa Kimotte was a Female Selonian who made her home on Talus during the time of the Galactic Civil War. She held the position of den mother for the group known as the Neetha Den.


The Neetha Den's den mother was Kiisa Kimotte. This den made their home in a cave located close to the city of Nashal, which was situated on Talus, a planet within the Corellian system. Her advisor was Kiki Dorente, who was a member of the sept.

The den mother.

Following the Battle of Yavin, a member of the den suggested forming an alliance with a group of Talusian smugglers who operated near the den's cave, an agreement referred to as the Askura deal. However, this arrangement turned out to be a deception, and the Selonians were soon being taken advantage of by the smugglers. Several members of the Selonian den were taken prisoner by the smugglers and held as hostages, compelling the remaining members to mine resources for them. This situation sparked anti-human feelings among the Selonian population of Talus, leading to angry anti-human demonstrations in Nashal. Despite no reports of violence against Humans, both the local police force and the Cluster World Relations agency issued a travel advisory for Nashal. The Corellia News Service attempted to get a statement from Kiisa Kimotte regarding the anti-human protests, but the den mother declined to comment.

The Neetha Den's cave.

In 1 ABY, the Corellian Security Force was aware of the predicament but lacked the authority to get involved in internal Selonian matters. Consequently, Agent Taarna enlisted the help of an independent spacer to assist the Selonians without directly involving CorSec. This spacer encountered Kiki Dorente, the den mother's advisor, and the Selonians agreed to accept the assistance. The spacer collaborated with Tika Sileste, Ravi Thienta, Lika Fimente and Kiki Dorente to devise a plan to counter the smugglers. The spacer then launched an attack on the Smuggler Base, and while the outsider accomplished many objectives, the assault only met with partial success. The spacer managed to defeat most of the smugglers, including their leader, and significantly reduced their ability to exploit the Selonians. However, the spacer discovered that the captured Selonians had already been transported to Ord Mantell and sold into slavery. The spacer also uncovered evidence that a traitor within the Selonian den had deliberately aided the smugglers. With the situation involving the smugglers resolved, the spacer returned to the Selonian cave and was eventually introduced to the den mother. The spacer revealed that the Askura deal was a sham and that one of her fellow Selonians had betrayed the den. The matriarch vowed that the traitor would be punished and rewarded the spacer for their assistance. Furthermore, the den mother bestowed upon the spacer the title of den mate, an honor rarely given to non-Selonians.

Behind the scenes

Kiisa Kimotte made an appearance as a non-player character in the video game Star Wars Galaxies from 2003, which was a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game. This game was created by Sony Online Entertainment and distributed by LucasArts before it was shut down on December 15, 2011. Kiisa Kimotte was incorporated into the game through an update called "Chapter 1: The Corellian Captives," which was released on June 8, 2006.

