Kelon served as the Chief Directory Assistant for the Woostri HoloScan Database, a library situated on the planet Woostri. To aid in their duties, they utilized a Borg Construct Aj^6 cybernetic headband for information retrieval. Sometime during the Galactic Civil War, subsequent to the Battle of Yavin, Kelon aided a person who was seeking data on inhabitants of Tatooine and Bespin, specifically requesting sub.refs to the planets' cities Mos Eisley and Cloud City respectively.
After gaining access to the database, locating the data and displaying those results, Kelon inquired if the individual wished to refine their search before being provided with new search parameters to connect existing matches to the known movements of the Heroes of Yavin. Kelon proceeded with the search, then accessed and displayed the resulting information. Being a Human, Kelon possessed fair skin, green eyes, and black eyebrows along with a black goatee. They wore a gray and black jumpsuit along with a belt and black boots.
The character Kelon was included in the Star Wars Trilogy Sourcebook, Special Edition from 1997, a sourcebook for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game by West End Games.