
title: Keetael

The Keetael represented a Force tradition among the Draethos, dedicated to enhancing combat and hunting prowess through Force abilities. This tradition, though not clandestine, remained enigmatic, with a relatively small number of practitioners, typically numbering in the hundreds.


The Keetael acknowledged the distinct natures of the light and dark side of the Force, yet intentionally avoided exclusive adherence to either. Instead, they integrated elements from both sides to refine their fighting, hunting, and overall combat skills. They believed that strict adherence to the light side could lead to defeat in battle, while exclusive devotion to the dark side could transform warriors into selfish, vengeful individuals who prioritized themselves over those they were sworn to protect. Keetael practitioners who leaned more towards the light side were often ostracized within Draethos warrior culture due to their pacifistic ideals, often leading them to join the Jedi Order. Conversely, those who succumbed to the dark side sometimes formed formidable mercenary or criminal groups, but were frequently eliminated by their fellow warriors, who recognized them as a significant threat to their society.

The Keetael functioned as a loosely organized fellowship, prioritizing the education of new members. They did not congregate or operate in large groups. Eschewing lightsabers, the Keetael favored the conventional weaponry of Draethos society, viewing themselves as integral members of their families and clans, albeit with exceptional abilities. While some Keetael Masters resided within specific communities, many roamed the land, seeking out potential initiates and leading Ube-tel expeditions, particularly in regions lacking established masters. Given the Draethos' extended lifespans, spanning hundreds of years, a single Keetael master could instruct thousands of initiates throughout their lifetime.


When a Force-user was discovered by a Keetael member, they underwent rigorous training to refine and control their powers. Rather than solitary training, initiates participated in extended training hunts known as Ube-tel. They were also instructed in the history and traditions of the Keetael. Upon completion of their training, each initiate received a small silver disc, one side of which bore an intricate series of circles (the order's symbol), while the other side featured the symbols and signatures of the Keetael masters and initiates involved in their training. This disc served as a symbol of membership, though members were not obligated to display or even carry it. Many Keetael practitioners even concealed their abilities and affiliation to gain a tactical advantage in combat.

Acaadi engaged in Keetael studies at some point in his life. Later, when he embraced the Sith path, the Keetael dispatched Darok-Tho to locate him and prevent him from misusing their knowledge to corrupt others.

The Force-related aspects of Keetael training heavily emphasized Force tracking. Trainees learned to manipulate the Force discreetly and efficiently, without relying on gestures, and in ways that were difficult for other Force-users to detect. They could use the Force to guide their ranged weapons to their targets and amplify the power of their strikes. They were also highly skilled at perceiving visions of the past and the environments surrounding their distant targets.

