A Sith Lord of the Iktotchi species employs the Force Track ability while chasing a Jedi. Force Track constituted a Force power of neutral alignment, enabling a Force-user to delve into the Force for direction, thereby discerning the obscured route of their target.
Typically, the user needed to have a direct view of the trail left by their target to effectively employ this ability. The age of the trail significantly impacted the ease with which it could be detected. For instance, someone new to this ability might only be able to identify trails created within the immediate past, whereas adept users could discern trails that were days old, even managing to track several trails concurrently.
The Draethos force tradition known as Keetael provided comprehensive instruction in force tracking to its adherents, alongside a robust type of meditative farsight. This farsight allowed the user to perceive a target's environment with exceptional clarity, facilitating the tracking of targets across vast, even interstellar, expanses.