Katiz Xemir

Katiz Xemir was a male Human mercenary. Following the death of his family at the hands of the Empire, he offered his services to those opposing Imperial objectives. In the year 0 ABY, while present on StarForge Station, Xemir sought a position aboard the Far Orbit, a frigate engaged in privateering under the banner of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, which had docked at the station.


On a remote colony world, Katiz Xemir was a male Human settler. The Galactic Empire killed his family when he refused to relocate to accommodate a mining operation. Bereft of his family and home, Xemir became a wandering mercenary, accepting only assignments that targeted Imperial forces. In 0 ABY, he found himself on StarForge Station, a space station located within the StarForge Nebula. At that time, the Far Orbit arrived. The Far Orbit was an EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate that had experienced a mutiny, with the crew defecting from Imperial service to become privateers for the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Hearing the call for new crew members, Xemir applied for a role on the ship.

Personality and traits

Xemir harbored a deep-seated grudge after his family was killed by the Empire and worked as a mercenary for anyone who opposed the Empire. He was a tall man, standing at two meters, and was known to be lean, quiet, and preoccupied with his own thoughts.


Xemir's possessions included a heavy blaster pistol, a pair of smaller pistols, a concealed hold-out blaster, and a combat knife. At certain points in time, he donned a helmet and a cloak, and on at least one occasion, he was observed chewing on a toothpick.

Behind the scenes

Katiz Xemir's initial appearance was in Preparing for War, an adventure concept featured in 1998's The Far Orbit Project, penned by Timothy S. O'Brien. This book, a supplement for West End Games' Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, served as a sequel to Pirates & Privateers, continuing its theme by focusing on the privateering vessel Far Orbit. The character was presented as an example of the individuals who might seek a position on the ship. The decision of who is hired onto the ship is left to the players. The scenario suggests that Xemir would likely join the Alliance at some point after his interaction with the Far Orbit.

