
Kaloob represented a widely enjoyed drink among the Ergesh race originating from Ergeshui.


Upon ingestion by an Ergesh, Kaloob stimulated each gland and internal structure within their anatomy to generate heightened levels of liquids and discharges. This process served to purify their physique and rejuvenate the consumer, offering protection for the sapient being against detrimental microbes.

Kaloob could additionally function as a detoxifying agent and antibiotic for species other than Ergesh, although it induced severe adverse reactions. Should an individual not of Ergesh descent consume Kaloob, each gland, organ, and physiological system would commence operating at an accelerated pace. Tears, perspiration, in addition to all other bodily excretions, would initiate a torrential outflow from their designated conduits. Following a duration of 10 minutes, an incapacitating feeling of sickness would afflict the "recipient" for a subsequent period of 20 minutes. Subsequent to these ordeals, all hazardous poisons and chemical compounds would be eliminated from their organism.


  • Planets of the Galaxy, Volume Two (Initial reference)
  • The Star Wars Planets Collection
