The Ergesh were a sentient species native to the planet of Ergeshui.
Within the galaxy, the Ergesh stood out as one of the rare sentient species that had evolved from plant-based life forms within the humid swamps of their homeworld. These beings reached a height of two meters and bore a resemblance to shambling, vegetative mounds, adorned with drooping, slimy appendages of varying lengths and dimensions. A mature Ergesh could tip the scales at around half a metric ton. Their average lifespan extended to 200 standard years. Their coloration was a blend of green, brown, and gray, with younger Ergesh displaying more green hues, while elders leaned towards brown. The presence of an Ergesh was always accompanied by a potent odor of ammonia mixed with decaying vegetation.
Reproduction occurred asexually, involving two Ergesh planting a seed derived from their bodies within a swamp known as the Shoolbloorp, often referred to as the "Land of Beginnings," during a specialized mating ritual. After a period of twenty days, a young Ergesh would emerge from the earth, possessing self-awareness and prepared to integrate into their society. Each Ergesh had the capacity to generate one seed every two Ergeshui years.

Despite their substantial size and weight, they possessed the ability to float effortlessly on water. Their unique physiology enabled them to breathe underwater, although they generally favored terrestrial environments. Their moist, dense skin provided a robust protective barrier against various forms of weaponry.
The Ergesh lacked distinct faces in the conventional sense. Instead, numerous smaller tentacles functioned as opticstalks, serving as their equivalent of eyes, while other tentacles were attuned to detecting sound waves. They exhibited an immunity to intoxication, the effects of drugs, and poisoning from most substances. Their immune systems rapidly neutralized such compounds, and their natural secretions facilitated the elimination of harmful or waste elements. To purge themselves of detrimental microorganisms, the Ergesh could consume Kaloob.
The Ergesh were not known for their speed and were generally ineffective in combat, with their primary offensive tactic involving trampling their adversaries.

The Ergesh were characterized by their high intelligence, curiosity, and gentle nature. Their native tongue was described as resembling the sound of thick mud bubbling rapidly, although most individuals preferred to communicate in Basic. Ergesh personal names were elaborate and lengthy, often incorporating unusual bubbling sounds. However, they were accommodating to other species, accepting nicknames given to them by off-worlders with whom they interacted.
Once annually, on Ergeshui, a specific alignment of both moons occurred, resulting in a profoundly disruptive influence on the Ergesh. During this period, they exhibited irrational, violent, or even mentally unstable behavior.
The Ergesh society was organized into clans, which collectively formed a federation that governed their planet. Comprising a total of 80 clans, each consisting of approximately 10,000 members, the eldest Ergesh from each clan constituted the governing body. This governing body convened monthly at the Communal Pool. The Ergesh federation maintained consistent communication with the leaders of the New Republic.
Reflecting their unique biology, Ergesh culture lacked the concept of gender. In their interactions with one another, the Ergesh demonstrated honesty and fairness. Their society was devoid of social classes, discrimination, and material wants, and crime was nonexistent among the species.
The Ergesh possessed remarkable bio-technology, including living starships known as Starjumpers. Their weaponry consisted of small plant buds that could be launched at targets, delivering an electrical shock upon contact. Their structures were entirely organic and possessed a degree of semi-sentience, enabling them to recognize residents and prevent intruders from entering.