Kafrene Rescue Salvage

Kafrene Rescue Salvage, established in 5 BBY on the Ring of Kafrene trading outpost, was a salvage and rescue operation. In that year, this group picked up a signal from a drifting GPE 7000 transport in realspace close to Kafrene; this transport was being used by Anto Kreegyr's group, a rebel organization. Upon locating the transport and finding no response, Kafrene Rescue Salvage found that the pilot seemed to have succumbed to the cold due to a hydraulic malfunction that occurred after the vessel exited hyperspace. Unbeknownst to the salvagers, the Imperial Security Bureau of the Galactic Empire had orchestrated the pilot's apparent death within the cockpit. The plan was to have the ship towed to Kafrene, with the intention of luring out Kreegyr and goading him into proceeding with his planned raid against the Imperial power station at Spellhaus.

