Kaat Thrick-Thrick

Kaat Thrick-Thrick was a female being belonging to a biped species. This being, hailing from Nebula Forso in the Meram sector of the Outer Rim Territories, possessed light-colored eyes, a shriveled mouth, and short eyestalks. She was a horticulture expert, specifically in cranial flowers, and built her professional life around teaching. Her duties as a teacher spanned a range of activities, from inventing new products to the in-vitro fertilization of young skull plants.

Thrick-Thrick also acted as the primary backer of the annual Find Your Equilibrium competition at the Perpendicular Universe Fair, an endeavor that resulted in her receiving three Xaf Awards. She both lived and worked within a hubcap-shaped dwelling, sharing it with her three families.

Thrick-Thrick once participated in an seminar alongside other notable individuals, including mOKDAR 15, the director of Regalia Sub-space station-12, Skreen, the director of the Manifold Mollusk Matrix and Matrimony Association, Aanxi Raanxi Laanxi, a scholar and author from the University of Desultori, and 26-424, a resident of Galloway Island who only attended to eat.

Behind the scenes

The character of Kaat Thrick-Thrick originally appeared in a section titled "The Seminar Participants," which Bob Carrau wrote for the 1993 book Monsters and Aliens from George Lucas. This book, which combines creature designs along with photographs from various projects of George Lucas, the creator of the Star Wars franchise, with original text by Carrau. Leland Chee, an employee of Lucasfilm who is responsible for maintaining the Holocron continuity database, has stated that the information presented in the book is non-canonical.

Kevin Beentjes, a contributor to the Star Wars Blog, proposed that the design of Kaat Thrick-Thrick may have served as inspiration for the Utai species, which also feature eyestalks and a humanoid form.


  • Monsters and Aliens from George Lucas (First mentioned)
  • Back from the Drawing Board: Recycled Star Wars Aliens on StarWars.com (backup link) (original link is obsolete)

Notes and references
