K-52 Strongarm

The K-52 Strongarm, alternatively named K-52 Demolisher, represented a gunship design manufactured by the Hyrotii Corporation during the era of the Galactic War. This vessel was marketed extensively throughout the galaxy, without any scrutiny of the buyer's intentions. A notable acquisition was made by Dark Council member Darth Marr, which rapidly increased its appeal among fellow Sith and Imperial military officers. Furthermore, it gained traction with privateers, mercenaries, and various non-military entities who offered their capabilities to the Republic Navy of the Galactic Republic.

Behind the scenes

The K-52, known as "Strongarm" for Republic characters and "Demolisher" for Imperial characters, debuted in the Digital Expansion Star Wars: The Old Republic: Galactic Starfighter as a purchasable Premium ship, exclusively obtainable through the Cartel Market. In terms of gameplay mechanics and capabilities, it mirrors the SGS-41B Comet Breaker/GSS-5C Dustmaker.

