
Queen Jool, a Hutt of renown, held ownership of a pair of cantinas and functioned as both an information broker and a member of the esteemed Hutt Grand Council during the tumultuous era of the Second Imperial Civil War.


Early life

Jool, a female Hutt, dedicated several years to managing Rik's Cantina on the bustling world of Coruscant, where she stringently prohibited any form of combat. The self-proclaimed Queen's left eye was replaced with a jeweled and feathered cybernetic implant that served as a surveillance tool, enabling her to closely monitor the activities within the cantina. Her residence was situated in a swamp beneath the establishment, but navigating the Underlevels required a protective escort. A Nautolan named Jak served as her unwavering bodyguard, and Queen Jool maintained a friendly relationship with her bartender, Finn.

During their time serving Rav, Cade Skywalker and Jariah Syn were frequent patrons of Rik's, as were spacers Chak and Kee, forging friendships with all of them, especially Skywalker. Nyna Calixte, operating under the guise of Imperial Intelligence agent "Morrigan Corde," often sought Jool's assistance in gathering intelligence.

Helping Cade Skywalker

After liberating himself from Rav's control, Cade assumed the role of captain aboard his own vessel, the Mynock. Accompanied by Syn and the Zeltron Deliah Blue, the trio continued to seek Jool's company.

During a visit to Coruscant to rescue the Bothan Jedi Hosk Trey'lis, Cade Skywalker entrusted Jool with the access codes to the Mynock. Cade relied on Jool to deliver the codes to Syn and Blue should he fail to return, which she promptly did after Cade freed them from the Sith Temple. Subsequently, R2-D2 played a holorecording from Cade to the pair, instructing them to commandeer the Mynock and escape Coruscant. Chak and Kee then arrived, seeking to reclaim their ship, the Grinning Liar, which they had leased to the crew for their journey from Bastion. However, they had lost it to Rav when he betrayed them, and so Syn offered the Mynock. The Wookiee and the Devaronian declined, instead offering their assistance in rescuing Cade in exchange for the Grinning Liar. Reaching an agreement, the four, Artoo, Jak, and Jool then commenced planning Cade's extraction from the Temple.

Jool in the Paradise

Their uncertainty was dispelled when Morrigan Corde, seated at their table with a substantial sum of credits, interjected, startling everyone and prompting them to brandish their blasters. Jool cautioned against immediate action, as she began searching for her files before recalling Corde's true identity. Jool introduced her as a former Imperial Intelligence operative, speculating that she had retired, as she hadn't seen her for two decades. Corde reminded her that she hadn't seen her now, and taking the money, Jool asked Jak to escort her home. With her assistance, the diverse group devised a plan that ultimately proved successful.

Later, Jool inaugurated a new cantina on Zeltros named the Paradise. She welcomed Cade, Syn, and Blue after their encounter with Corde on Tatooine. Jool explained that the Sith's increasing control over the galaxy had created a scarcity of legal supplies, resulting in substantial profits for her business. She also expressed her admiration for the Zeltron people, particularly the males. Shortly thereafter, Rav arrived with his henchmen. Jool informed Cade that while she held him in high regard, his disruptive behavior in her cantinas was becoming costly, and requested that he minimize the damages. He complied, incapacitating them by throwing one off the waterfall and striking the other in the neck. Rav then proposed a mission to Cade and his crew on Wayland for a reward of one million credits.

Hunting Vul Isen

Jool apologizes to Cade for putting him in danger.

Following the demise of Azzim Anjiliac Atirue during a Sith Imperial massive attack on Da Soocha and Napdu, Jool reached out to Cade. She requested that he meet her and other Hutt leaders on Nal Hutta at the headquarters of Vedo Anjiliac Atirue, the leader of the Anjiliac Atirue.

Upon arriving, Cade was separated from his companions and subsequently attacked by several of Vedo's security droids. However, Skywalker effortlessly defeated them with his lightsaber. Vedo apologized for the ambush, explaining that he needed to assess Cade's abilities based on Jool's claims. Jool also extended her apologies to Cade, admitting that she may have exaggerated his skills. Skywalker readily forgave her. Vedo then tasked Cade with assassinating Vul Isen, whom Cade was already pursuing for his involvement in the Genocide on Dac, as an agent of the Hutts. Skywalker accepted the mission and ultimately eliminated Isen on Utapau.

Personality and traits

Queen Jool

Jool possessed a cunning, flirtatious, and sophisticated demeanor. As expected of someone who profited from information, she possessed keen insights into psychology and motivation. She held a genuine fondness for Cade, and despite the typically mercenary nature of Hutts, her affection appeared sincere. She welcomed him and his companions on every visit, even offering them complimentary drinks. Cade entrusted her with the Mynock's codes, and she faithfully delivered them to Syn and Blue as requested. When Vedo orchestrated an attack on Cade to test him, Jool apologized for boasting excessively about his abilities. Nevertheless, she was not hesitant to reprimand him, urging him to minimize the damage inflicted upon her cantinas.

