A male Jawa, Jik'Tal, abandoned Tatooine seeking adventure. He eventually secured employment as an enforcer at Bantha Traxx located on the planet Lianna. Jik'Tal harbored dreams of the stars from a young age. After his clan exiled him for violating the Jawa's commitment to non-violence, he permanently left Tatooine, accompanied by seven devoted companions. He gained employment under Yin Vocta on Lianna and underwent rigorous training from Ne'Chak, a mercenary. He remained in Vocta's service for numerous years.
Born into a Jawa clan on the planet Tatooine, situated in the Outer Rim, Jik'Tal differed significantly from typical Jawas. From his youth, he displayed a restless spirit, yearning to explore the galaxy beyond his homeworld. This thirst for adventure attracted a loyal following among younger Jawas. Jik'Tal spent much of his youth sitting atop his clan's large sandcrawlers, gazing at the stars, contemplating the wonders that awaited him if he left Tatooine.
After enduring many uneventful years on Tatooine, Jik'Tal received an opportunity to leave for good. Jawas sustained themselves by scavenging damaged droids across the deserts of their home planet, repairing them, and selling them to local moisture farmers. Their merchandise was often substandard, but dissatisfied farmers rarely complained, as the Jawas quickly departed in their sandcrawlers after each sale.
One particularly unhappy farmer managed to locate the Jawas who had sold him a defective droid—it exploded, damaging one of the moisture vaporators vital for his survival on the arid planet. Enraged, the farmer demanded compensation, but the clan refused. Overwhelmed by fury, the moisture farmer attacked, but Jik'Tal intervened, saving his clan by subduing the angry man.
Although Jik'Tal had saved his clan from potential harm, he faced punishment for violating the Jawa's principle of non-violence. Despite his act of rescue, Jik'Tal was banished, forced to seek his own path to civilization. Embittered, Jik'Tal gathered his belongings and, accompanied by seven loyal companions, secured passage off-world, vowing never to return. His companions followed him out of admiration, albeit with a degree of fear towards his violent tendencies.

Jik'Tal and his Jawa companions boarded the first transport departing Tatooine, eventually arriving on the planet Lianna. There, they found employment under Yin Vocta, an Anomid criminal and information broker posing as a legitimate businessman. Vocta owned Bantha Traxx, a restaurant on Lianna, and needed additional security when his primary enforcers, the Gand R'Kayza and the cyborg Haelon Tice, were away on "business." Many mocked Vocta's decision to hire Jawas, but after extensive training by Ne'Chak, a skilled Rodian mercenary, Jik'Tal and his companions became a formidable force.
Dressed in black leather robes, the Jawas were only permitted to carry stun pistols and stun batons, as Vocta enforced a strict no-weapons policy within Bantha Traxx. However, Jik'Tal secretly carried two lethal vibroblades and kept several mini-grenades for dealing with particularly unruly customers. The Jawas proved to be excellent security guards; intelligent and fierce, they could navigate crowds swiftly and effectively, overpowering larger opponents through coordinated teamwork.
Jik'Tal remained in Vocta's service for several years, often responding to belittling comments about his size with intense brawls, in which his opponents consistently fared worse. Vocta did not discourage these altercations, often observing with interest as his seemingly outmatched Jawa security team defeated arrogant patrons.
Jik'Tal possessed a quick temper, reacting severely to any remarks about his stature. As a young Jawa, Jik'Tal grew restless and bored with his monotonous life on Tatooine, seeking adventure beyond his homeworld. He also displayed a propensity for violence, unusual for Jawas, although he initially attempted to use it only when necessary.
Star Wars author Paul Danner created Jik'Tal for Wretched Hives of Scum & Villainy, with illustrations by Brian Schomburg. He was also mentioned in the 2003 sourcebook Ultimate Alien Anthology, where "Jik'tal" served as an example of a Jawa name. Later, Jik'Tal received an entry in 2008's The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia.