Jeremoch Colton

Jeremoch Colton, a human male, held the rank of Captain and distinguished himself as the pilot of the Alderaanian starships Tantive III and Tantive IV. These corvettes were utilized by Senator Bail Organa of the esteemed House of Organa. Notably, Colton served as a valuable mentor to Captain Raymus Antilles, who held the position of commander for both vessels, showcasing his piloting prowess.

During the events of 19 BBY, Colton skillfully piloted the Tantive III above the planet Coruscant as the Clone Wars reached their concluding days. Organa strategically employed the ship to assist his Jedi allies, Grand Master Yoda and Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, following the Galactic Republic's betrayal of the Jedi during Order 66. While the trio was aboard, Colton relayed a message from Vice Chair Mas Amedda to Organa. Subsequently, he transported Yoda and Organa to the Polis Massa asteroid field, where Yoda embarked on a journey to the Sluis sector.

Colton persisted as a pilot for Bail Organa, and later for his daughter, Leia Organa, piloting the Tantive IV at the time of its capture above the planet Tatooine in 0 BBY. As a consequence of his affiliation with the Alliance to Restore the Republic, Colton was apprehended and confined within Accresker Jail, a mobile Imperial prison, thus becoming a prisoner of the Galactic Empire. In 3 ABY, Sava Madelin Sun visited Colton, utilizing a Thought Dowser to extract the information that Yoda had journeyed to the Sluis sector.


Serving as Pilot of the Tantive III

During the Clone Wars, a conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Jeremoch Colton, a captain, dedicated himself to the House of Organa, the ruling family of Alderaan. He fulfilled the role of pilot for the family's Alderaanian CR70 corvette Tantive III and the CR90 corvette Tantive IV, both vessels commanded by Captain Raymus Antilles. These ships were frequently utilized by Bail Organa, the Viceroy of Alderaan and its Senator in the Republic's Galactic Senate. In 19 BBY, the Tantive III found itself on the Republic's capital world, Coruscant, during the infamous Order 66, where the Republic's forces turned against the Jedi Order. Driven by a desire to aid the surviving Jedi, Organa directed the Tantive III to rescue Grand Master Yoda and Master Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Captain Colton piloted the Tantive III.

Upon their return to Coruscant, Organa and the two Jedi were present in the vessel's cockpit alongside Colton and his co-pilot when they received a message originating from the office of Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine. Colton promptly informed Organa about the message and, following the viceroy's instructions, connected Vice Chair Mas Amedda, who notified Organa about a special session scheduled in the Senate.

After the message concluded, Organa and the Jedi contemplated the possibility of the session being a trap, but ultimately deemed it likely authentic. Consequently, it presented an opportune moment for the Jedi to infiltrate the now-fallen Jedi Temple and modify a beacon that was being used to lure Jedi to their deaths. Subsequently, Colton piloted the Tantive III to the Galactic Senate Building to facilitate Organa's attendance at the session. Following the session and the Jedi's successful mission, the Tantive III once again departed Coruscant, transporting Organa and Yoda to the Polis Massa asteroid field situated in the Outer Rim Territories. From that location, Yoda departed in his own vessel, with Colton learning that he was en route to a location within the Sluis sector.

Serving as Pilot of the Tantive IV

Jeremoch Colton piloted the Tantive IV for the Rebel Alliance.

Following their departure from Polis Massa, Colton continued his service as Organa's pilot during the senator's tenure in the Imperial Senate of the Galactic Empire. Eventually, Colton began to serve Organa's adopted daughter, Leia Organa, who collaborated with her father in the senate and covertly opposed the Empire as part of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Organa utilized the Tantive IV as her consular ship, with Colton continuing to pilot it under Antilles' command. In 1 BBY, after sustaining damage during a mission, the Tantive IV underwent repairs at the Alliance's headquarters on the moon Yavin 4 when it was assigned a routine mission to the planet Tatooine, where Bail intended for Leia to establish contact with Kenobi.

However, before the repairs could be completed, the Alliance Fleet was mobilized for an attack on Imperial forces stationed on the planet Scarif in an effort to acquire the plans for the Empire's Death Star superweapon. Unable to independently make the journey, the Tantive IV was transported to Scarif aboard the MC75 Star Cruiser Profundity while repairs continued. At Scarif, the Death Star plans were successfully transmitted to the Profundity; however, the cruiser sustained crippling damage from the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer Devastator, rendering it unable to escape. To prevent the plans from falling back into Imperial hands, they were transferred to the Tantive IV, which launched from the hangar of the Profundity with Colton at the helm as Imperial forces seized the cruiser. Antilles issued the order to jump to hyperspace before entrusting the plans to Organa.

The Final Pursuit

As the Tantive IV departed the Scarif system, it was pursued by the Devastator. Under Antilles's directives, Colton navigated the vessel on an erratic course towards Tatooine, doubling back on itself to evade the Star Destroyer. The corvette traveled to Ukio, Roon, Kowak, and then Hypori, only to find the Devastator awaiting its arrival. After enduring a barrage from the Destroyer's turbolasers, Colton initiated a hyperspace jump to the worlds of Iskalon and then Vuzsa before finally reaching the Tatoo system.

Captain Colton was piloting the Tantive IV when it was captured by the Empire, resulting in his imprisonment in Accresker Jail.

Prior to reaching Tatooine, the Tantive IV's motivator malfunctioned, causing the ship to revert from hyperspace. Antilles rushed to the bridge to assess the situation, where Colton informed him that they would need to rely on sublight engine for the remaining quarter parsec of the journey, which would take approximately eight minutes. Alarms then sounded, and Colton reported that the Devastator had entered the star system.

After the Star Destroyer's turbolasers penetrated the shields of the Tantive IV and damaged the main reactor, Antilles ordered the reactor to be shut down to prevent the ship's destruction, leaving it adrift in space. Subsequently, the Star Destroyer ensnared the Tantive IV with a tractor beam, and it was boarded by Imperials led by the Sith Lord Darth Vader, who killed Antilles and captured Leia Organa and the remaining surviving crew members, including Colton. However, the plans were no longer aboard, as Organa had entrusted them to the droids C-3PO and R2-D2, who would ultimately deliver them to the Alliance, enabling them to destroy the Death Star.

Imprisonment and Torture

Madelin Sun visited Jeremoch Colton while he was imprisoned in Accresker Jail.

Despite Leia Organa's assertions that their mission was diplomatic rather than affiliated with the Alliance, Colton was accused of rebel involvement and incarcerated in Accresker Jail. He remained without visitors in the mobile prison for over three years, until 3 ABY, when Sava Madelin Sun located him while searching for Yoda on behalf of the Crimson Dawn criminal organization.

Sun interrogated Colton about Yoda's whereabouts after his voyage on the Tantive III, but the pilot feigned ignorance. Sun then employed a Thought Dowser on Colton, inflicting escalating pain as he resisted revealing his knowledge. Eventually, he conceded that Yoda had departed from Polis Massa in his own vessel and traveled to the Sluis sector, but claimed to be unaware of the Jedi's final coordinates. Satisfied, Sun ceased using the device and departed the prison, leaving Colton confined to his cell. Accresker Jail was subsequently decommissioned and destroyed shortly after the visit.

Personality and Traits

Jeremoch Colton was tortured with a Thought Dowser by Madelin Sun.

Colton was a fair-skinned human male characterized by blond hair and blue eyes. He served as a mentor to Captain Antilles. When informing Antilles that they were eight minutes from Tatooine, Colton conveyed a sense of hope and relief, which was quickly dispelled by the arrival of the Devastator. During Sun's visit, Colton displayed sarcasm and feigned ignorance regarding Yoda's location until subjected to torture. He initially resisted the Thought Dowser's effects but eventually yielded and divulged his knowledge.

Skills and Abilities

Colton possessed exceptional piloting skills and above-average intelligence. His strength, speed, diplomatic abilities, and combat prowess were considered average. He lacked Force-sensitivity.


During his service aboard the Tantive III, Colton wore a gray uniform and a silver headset. On the Tantive IV, he donned a brown jacket with a black vest and a white helmet. While imprisoned in Accresker Jail, Colton was clad in an orange jumpsuit with a black collar and shoulders, accompanied by black boots and silver handcuffs.

Behind the Scenes

More Than Just a Mystery

Colton was portrayed by Boba Fett actor Jeremy Bulloch.

Jeremoch Colton was brought to life by Jeremy Bulloch in a cameo within the 2005 film Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith, the third installment of the Star Wars prequel trilogy. Although the character's name remains unspoken in the film, his surname and rank are credited. "Jeremoch," a portmanteau derived from Bulloch's name, was first identified as Colton's given name in the new Star Wars canon through "Job Done," a 2018 article featured in the "Building the Galaxy" section of the Star Wars: Build Your Own R2-D2 magazine's ninety-ninth issue. Bulloch had previously portrayed the iconic bounty hunter Boba Fett in the 1980 film Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back and the 1983 film Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi.

Colton's scene in the film was a later addition, filmed on F Stage at Shepperton Studios on Tuesday, August 31, 2004, although director George Lucas had decided to have Bulloch cameo in the film long before that. Desiring Bulloch to be more than a "mysterious conundrum," Lucas stated that he and others had been seeking a suitable role for the actor, ultimately deciding that Colton's role was the most fitting. Bulloch received the role offer from producer Rick McCallum while vacationing in Italy, initially dismissing the phone call as a prank due to the limited number of people who possessed his telephone number. He expressed astonishment upon receiving the offer for the minor role and found it peculiar to return to Star Wars as a different character. In one interview, he playfully suggested that it would be amusing if Boba Fett were revealed to be Colton beneath the mask.

Origins and Retcon

Colton was first mentioned in Alan Dean Foster's novelization of A New Hope.

Within the Star Wars Legends continuity, a Captain Colton was initially referenced in the 1976 novelization of Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, penned by Alan Dean Foster. In the novel, C-3PO asserts that his and R2-D2's last master was a Captain Colton. The 1984 reference book A Guide to the Star Wars Universe by Raymond L. Velasco clarified that the Colton mentioned in the novelization was simply a misnaming of Raymus Antilles, although the 1995 reference book The Essential Guide to Characters by Andy Mangels then mentioned Colton and Antilles as separate characters. Internet Content Developer Pablo Hidalgo then suggested that Bulloch's character in Revenge of the Sith be named Colton based on the A New Hope novelization. Hidalgo then established Jeremoch as the definitively separate character's first name in "Refresher Reading," an article published in the Star Wars Insider magazine's ninetieth issue on September 25, 2006.

Colton made an appearance in a flashback in the third issue of Star Wars: Crimson Reign, a comic book written by Charles Soule, illustrated by Steven Cummings, and released on March 9, 2022. The comic revealed that Colton was the pilot of the Tantive IV at the time of its capture. This retconned the unnamed pilot of the Tantive IV that appeared in the 2016 Anthology Series film, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, and in the short story "Raymus," written by Gary Whitta and released in the 2017 anthology From a Certain Point of View, into being Colton. The comic also showed that a Tantive IV crew member other than Organa survived the vessel's capture, which contradicts statements saying that all other crew members were killed made in the eightheenth issue of De Agostini's Star Wars: Build the Millennium Falcon magazine, released around May 6, 2015, and the 2021 reference book Star Wars: Battles that Changed the Galaxy.

