Jaycris Tubbs was a male human who served the Resistance as a pilot during the evacuation of D'Qar. In the early moments of the battle, his T-70 X-wing starfighter suffered a direct hit from TIE/fo space superiority fighter fire, making him among the first Resistance pilots to be downed. Before his death, Tubbs was known for his eagerness to guide and instruct new pilots. He was also the father of at least three children.

As a T-70 X-wing starfighter pilot, Jaycris Tubbs' attire included an interstellar-orange flight suit equipped with a utility belt, an emergency oxygen tube, and a specialized equipment pocket. A white flight vest covered the suit, which was also paired with a gray Guidenhauser flight harness, a white FreiTek life support unit, and black gloves and boots. His red flight helmet displayed a yellow Rebel Alliance starbird and featured his children's names, 'Phi', 'Ted' and 'Stella', stencilled on it in Aurebesh.
Jamie Christopher, the first assistant director, made a cameo appearance as Jaycris Tubbs in Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi.