Iotran Police Force

The foremost military and police force on Iotra was the Iotran Police Force, also known as the IPF. The Joint Council, which served as the primary governing body of Iotra, consisted of the eight highest-ranking members of the IPF.

Established seven centuries prior to the Galactic Civil War, the IPF was created through the unification of several military organizations, notably the Kilandran Royal Forces, the Lurathi Guard, and the Jengardin Millennial Warriors. Within the Iotran Territories, the IPF managed all civil responsibilities, encompassing emergency medical assistance, fire suppression, legal enforcement, and aid during disasters. Mandatory service for all Iotran citizens ensured that the force possessed a substantial pool of skilled individuals ready for deployment.

The Iotrans generated revenue by offering the services of the IPF to businesses and other governments. The force extended its patrols to other systems and treated violations of local laws with the same severity as if they had occurred within the Iotran Territories.


  • Galaxy Guide 12: Aliens — Enemies and Allies
  • Pirates & Privateers
  • Secrets of the Sisar Run
  • Coruscant and the Core Worlds
  • Ultimate Alien Anthology
  • The Essential Guide to Warfare

Notes and references
