Iolan Gendarr

Iolan Gendarr, a Human male hailing from Commenor, served the Galactic Empire as a officer within the ranks of the Imperial Navy. After his promotion to the rank of captain which followed the Battle of Hoth, Gendarr was given the assignment of commanding officer aboard the Star Destroyer known as the Reliance. Tasked with the protection of the Imperial Army training center situated on Jardeen IV, he deserted the Empire alongside General Arndall Lott in the aftermath of the Battle of Endor, and together they established their own warlord organization.


Born on the planet of Commenor in 37 BBY, Iolan Gendarr eventually enlisted in the Imperial Navy. He served on the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer called the Avenger, under the command of Captain Lorth Needa. Subsequent to the Hoth campaign, Gendarr received a promotion and ultimately took command of the Star Destroyer Reliance, which was assigned the duty of safeguarding the Imperial Army training center located on the world of Jardeen IV. Not long after the death of Emperor Palpatine during the Battle of Endor, Gendarr abandoned the Galactic Empire in concert with General Arndall Lott, who was the commander of Walker Operations and Tactics stationed on Jardeen IV. The two men fled the planet before the arrival of New Republic forces.

No later than six months following the Endor conflict, Gendarr and Lott established their own Imperial warlord group. They launched attacks against New Republic and civilian targets in order to acquire necessary equipment and supplies. The Reliance Star Destroyer spearheaded assaults on New Republic systems, employing Scimitar assault bombers combined with ground assaults using walker vehicles. The walkers, comprised of a combination of All Terrain Armored Transports and All Terrain Scout Transports, were fitted with slave-rigged systems by General Lott's engineers, which allowed unpiloted walkers to be controlled remotely and conduct precise strikes against New Republic facilities. The New Republic Intelligence Service offered a bounty of 75,000 credit for Gendarr's capture, citing charges of treason, sedition, the murder of New Republic personnel, and the destruction of New Republic property.

Personality and traits

Iolan Gendarr was a Human male with a height of 1.75 meters. He possessed a receding hairline and a sparse beard that outlined his jaw. A scar marked the right side of his face, running from his forehead down to his jaw, narrowly missing his eye and cutting through his eyebrow. Gendarr was a capable naval leader and tactician, specializing in strategies involving capital ship warfare and starfighter combat. Furthermore, he was known to be an individual capable of intimidation and persuasion.

Skills and abilities

Gendarr was proficient in the use of a blaster, and he had a working knowledge of bureaucratic procedure. He also possessed familiarity with alien cultures, languages, and star systems. As an expert in law enforcement methods, particularly those pertaining to Imperial law, Gendarr was also capable of plot courses through hyperspace, fly capital ships, operate their weapons systems, and perform repairs. He also demonstrated skill in administering first aid and circumventing security measures.


Captain Gendarr typically wore an Imperial officer's uniform, and he carried a datapad along with a comlink.

Behind the scenes

Iolan Gendarr was featured in Wanted by Cracken, a sourcebook published in 1993 for West End Games' Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. The illustration of Gendarr in the book was created by Mike Vilardi.


Notes and references
