Arndall Lott, a male Human from the planet of Kwenn, came into this world in 48 BBY. He enlisted in the Imperial Army and quickly demonstrated a natural talent with walker deployments. After a two-year assignment serving under General Maximilian Veers, Lott earned a promotion to General himself. He then took command of Walker Operations and Tactics at the training center located on Jardeen IV, a planet. In the wake of the Battle of Endor, Lott partnered with Captain Iolan Gendarr to establish a splinter warlord group.
Born on the planet of Kwenn in 48 BBY, Arndall Lott began his life. After graduating from the Imperial Academy, Lott became a member of the Imperial Army. His skills with walker operations led to a promotion to the rank of sergeant. As part of the army contingent assigned to the Death Squadron, he also completed a two-year tour of duty under the command of General Maximilian Veers. Lott eventually attained the rank of general and was placed in charge of Walker Operations and Tactics at the Imperial Army training center situated on the planet of Jardeen IV. Following the Battle of Endor and the death of the Emperor Palpatine, Lott, along with Captain Iolan Gendarr and the Star Destroyer Reliance, who had been tasked with safeguarding Jardeen IV, left the planet. Together, they established their own Imperial warlord faction. Within this faction, Lott conceived a rudimentary slave-rigging system, drawing inspiration from the renowned Katana fleet, to manage multiple walkers, such as All Terrain Armored Transport and All Terrain Scout Transports, through remote operators. Lott's innovation proved highly effective in coordinated attacks on New Republic and civilian installations to acquire resources and equipment. The New Republic accused Lott of treason, sedition, destruction of New Republic property, murder of New Republic personnel, destruction of private property, and murder. A bounty of 75,000 credits was offered by the New Republic for Lott's apprehension. Lott's design later found its way into the control systems of the TIE/D automated starfighter used by the resurrected Emperor's Dark Empire.
Lott received training and demonstrated proficiency in the use of blasters, blaster artillery, and blasters mounted on vehicles. He had a deep understanding of alien species and their respective languages. As a trained soldier, Lott possessed skills in unarmed combat, survival techniques, and stealth tactics. He could operate ground vehicles, repulsorlift vehicles, and walkers. Furthermore, he had the ability to repair walkers and program and fix computers.
General Lott was typically seen wearing black-colored Imperial Army field armor. He carried a blaster pistol as his primary weapon, along with a comlink and a datapad.
Wanted by Cracken, a sourcebook for West End Games' Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, published in 1993, featured a profile of Arndall Lott. Rob Caswell provided the illustration of Lott.
- Dark Empire Sourcebook
- Wanted by Cracken (First mentioned)