Imperial Safe House

A secure location, known as an Imperial Safe House, was utilized by the Galactic Empire on Rori, a moon of Naboo, during the era of the Galactic Civil War. Officer M'Kae made use of this safe house following the events of the Battle of Yavin.

Behind the scenes

The Imperial Safe House appeared as a location within the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies. This massively multiplayer online roleplaying game was developed by Sony Online Entertainment and released by LucasArts. The game was later shut down on December 15, 2011. The Imperial Safe House was integrated into the game as part of the fourth installment of the "Secrets of the Syren" questline, which was launched with "Publish 21," on August 4, 2005. The "Secrets of the Syren" narrative was subsequently removed from the game via "Chapter 1," which went live on June 8, 2006, due to significant modifications planned for Rori with the introduction of the Battle of Restuss.

Within the fourth quest of the "Secrets of the Syren" storyline, players were given the choice to collaborate with either Rebel Officer Wolff Kalos or Imperial Officer M'Kae. This document operates under the assumption that the player aligned themselves with the Rebel Alliance. During the search for Cal Handro and the Syren spice on Rori, Rebel players were required to engage with Imperial mercenaries within a Rebel Safe House to thwart Cal Handro's escape. Conversely, players who sided with the Empire would have faced Rebel mercenaries within the Imperial Safe House.

