Iced Trammistan chocolate donut

An iced Trammistan chocolate donut represented a specific variety of donut. This pastry was covered in Trammistan chocolate icing and could be found at Dex's Diner, a restaurant situated on the planet of Coruscant. Each morning, a Crisp-E-O donut droid prepared these donuts in the traditional Adarian fashion. The price for one was 1.5 credits. Dexter Jettster, the owner of the diner, stated that the iced Trammistan chocolate donuts were exceptionally popular with customers.

Behind the scenes

The iced Trammistan chocolate donut made an appearance in "Dining at Dex's," a 2009 piece exclusive to Hyperspace, penned by Gregory Walker and presented as an in-universe menu. Walker's inclusion of "Adarian-style donuts" stemmed from his appreciation for discarded ideas, given that Adarians were initially developed for the 1983 motion picture Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi but ultimately removed from the finished product.


  • Dining at Dex's on Hyperspace (article) (content obsolete and backup link not available) (First mentioned)
  • Dining at Dex's: The Story Behind the Story on Narb Flick Created Leffingites — Gregory Walker's Blog (original site is defunct)

Notes and references
