Ice Demons were sentient beings of a humanoid nature, exhibiting characteristics related to ice. Their physical forms resembled white crystal, and they possessed a natural resistance to extremely cold environments. Distinguishing features included elongated, curved horns and sharp teeth akin to icicles. The color of their eyes was black, but they had white pupils, and their feet terminated in pointed spikes.
Stagorr, a sorcerer and member of this species, resided on Endor, the forest moon. Prior to 3 ABY, Stagorr engaged in a duel against Logray, the shaman of the Ewok tribe, resulting in his confinement within Ice Mountain. He then devised a plan to entice Logray back to secure his release, but this plan failed when Wicket W. Warrick utilized fire magic to melt ice, engulfing the Ice Demon in water, which then froze, trapping him.

Ice Demons were a sentient species that physically resembled ice. Their humanoid bodies displayed musculature comparable to other species of similar form. They generally stood around two meters in height, possessed five digits on each hand, and their feet ended in a singular, sharp point. Their eyes featured black irises and white pupils, while their noses were pointed and hooked. Large mouths filled with sharp, icicle-like teeth, with a greater concentration on the lower jaw, and a white tongue were also characteristic. Two curved horns that pointed upward adorned their heads.
What truly distinguished them from other humanoids were their ice-like characteristics. Ice Demons were white and icy in appearance, exhibiting a glistening blue hue under specific lighting. This effect was so prominent that icicles seemingly grew from their bodies. Their naturally cold constitution provided them with resistance to extreme cold.

In the time leading up to 3 ABY, Stagorr, a Force-sensitive Ice Demon, had become a formidable sorcerer on the Forest Moon of Endor. This led to a confrontation with Logray, the Ewok shaman from Bright Tree Village. The two engaged in a magical duel, which concluded with Logray imprisoning the Ice Demon within Ice Mountain on Endor. Stagorr never abandoned hope of escaping his prison and continued to observe his former adversary using a magical ice mirror. When he noticed the young Ewok Wicket W. Warrick acquiring Logray's staff, Stagorr seized the opportunity to transport the Ewok to his location via a wind tunnel spell, hoping to entice Logray to return to Ice Mountain.
The Ice Demon was unable to touch Logray's staff, the very item that had banished him, so he placed a hex on Warrick, compelling the Ewok to obey his commands. As he anticipated, Logray arrived at Ice Mountain to rescue his younger tribemate. Stagorr secluded himself in his lair and dispatched Warrick, under his control, to battle his old enemy. However, Logray successfully countered every spell Stagorr deployed. Becoming increasingly frustrated, the sorcerer revealed himself, threatening to kill Warrick if Logray did not surrender the staff. Logray complied. The Ice Demon mocked Warrick's subsequent attack, which involved a simple fire-based magic trick. However, the fire melted a portion of the interior of Ice Mountain, causing water to drip onto Stagorr's body. As the water refroze, Stagorr became immobilized.
Stagorr the Ice Demon makes an appearance in Ewoks 6, a particular issue of the Marvel Ewoks comic series, penned by David Manak and visually rendered by Warren Kremer. The comic saw its release on March 1, 1986. At one juncture in the narrative, Stagorr summons two icy humanoids to assist him, beings that Wicket W. Warrick refers to as "ice creatures." These two beings bear a resemblance to Stagorr, albeit lacking horns, which may suggest that they are other members of the Ice Demon species.