The Ibhaan'I represented a single group among the various wandering peoples who called the Doaba Badlands region of Socorro their home.
This tribe, the Ibhaan'I, was fragmented into numerous smaller groups, often based on kinship. While many of these groups chose to live away from established settlements within the Doaba Badlands, certain clans made their homes in proximity to major spaceports, such as Soco-Jarel. In rare instances, Ibhaan'I clans forsook their nomadic ways and integrated into the city of Vakeyya. It was a regular occurrence for Ibhaan'I groups to take in smugglers, who often considered the Ibhaan'I settlements as a refuge, or even their primary residence.
The majority of Ibhaan'I buildings that were permanent were constructed using bricks made from Socorro's sand mixed with druyza waste. The designs of these buildings, though, were often modified to suit the changing requirements of the clan.
The clothing choices of the Ibhaan'I significantly impacted the fashion of Socorran pirates, who generally felt a stronger connection to the Ibhaan'I than to Socorro's other wandering groups. Buildings were often expanded and new rooms added as necessary.
Highly skilled at scouting, many explorers traveled to Socorro specifically to enlist Ibhaan'I members for their journeys. Most Ibhaan'I were eager to participate, given their well-known love of travel. The most skilled Ibhaan'I scouts even ventured off-world to explore the galaxy, but they remained loyal to their cultural customs. The women of the tribe were celebrated for their exceptional weaving abilities.