Honna was a Force-sensitive slave of the female Tarasin species.
Around 20 BBY, Honna, as a young child, was taken captive alongside three other Tarasin children named Li'Iri, Tiscak, and Kaj, because they possessed the Force. Phylus Mon, a Chevin slaver, was the one who captured them, and he imprisoned them in a cell located within his slave zoo aboard the vessel known as the Animiasma. Furthermore, he used a barbed whip with three tails to flog each of the children.
The abduction of the children did not escape notice. Lanius Qel-Bertuk, a Jedi Master, was aware of the kidnappings and even had suspicions about Phylus Mon's involvement, yet he remained powerless to effect their rescue.
Confined to their cell, the children were the only Force-sensitives present in the zoo. They developed an immediate dislike for a fellow prisoner, Halin Bok. Honna also established communication with the Mantellian Savrips held in a neighboring cell, named Clu, Taf, and Mev. The Savrips pledged to breach the energy bars to protect the children if anyone attempted to take them against their will. Honna feared this, as the energy bars posed a lethal threat to the Savrips should they attempt such a rescue.
Phylus Mon performed a surgical procedure to implant an explosive device near the heart of each of his slaves. This explosive was designed to detonate upon Phylus Mon's death, but it could also be deactivated by the impact of an ion weapon. Additionally, all the slaves held within Phylus Mon's zoo were subjected to routine beatings.