Bin Kohal

Bin Kohal, who occasionally went by the name Halin Bok, was a Shistavanen assassin and slave who identified as male. He is part of the Legends continuity.

Life Story

Around 20 BBY, Kohal was a wanted individual due to multiple assassination attempts that occurred on Coruscant, prompting him to adopt a false identity. The slaver Phylus Mon eventually captured Kohal and incarcerated him within the slave zoo aboard the Animiasma. While imprisoned, Kohal assessed the potential for a large-scale escape plan, considering the size of the neighboring Cragmoloid slaves, Ook and Noba. He reasoned that their immense size would necessitate an additional escape vessel to accommodate them. Kohal intended to persuade any potential rescuers that he possessed the skills to steal and pilot a ship, thereby becoming an asset to their rescue efforts. Despite this, the four Tarasin children held in a nearby cell—Li'Iri, Honna, Tiscak, and Kaj—remained skeptical of Kohal's intentions. Phylus Mon had surgically implanted an explosive device near the heart of each of his slaves. This device was designed to detonate upon Mon's death but could also be disabled by the impact of an ion weapon. Furthermore, all the slaves within Phylus Mon's zoo were subjected to routine physical abuse.

